Journal: Pentagon Strategy & Policy Oxymoron Squared?

Phi Beta Iota: We don’t make this stuff up.  The Pentagon has no strategy because the U.S. Government has no strategy.  The National Security Council is managed by a General who emphasized getting along with the Chief of Naval Operation, never-mind leaving Marines wounded on the battlefield for lack of Naval Gunfire Support (NFS). Join …

Review: To Lead the World–American Strategy after the Bush Doctrine

Superb From Right of Center–VERY Satisfying Competent Collection January 10, 2010 Melvyn Leffler and Jeffrey Legro Of the three books I bought to explore this particular theme, this was the best by far and the only one to earn five stars. Twelve chapters, twelve authors, not a single runt in this litter. The notes are …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Strategy

Strategy 2001 Threats, Strategy, and Force Structure: An Alternative Paradigm for National Security Review: Blue Ocean Strategy–How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant Review: Environmental Security and Global Stability–Problems and Responses Review: Fast Strategy–How strategic agility will help you stay ahead of the game Review: Grand Strategies in War and Peace Review: …

Review: Pandora’s Poison–Chlorine, Health, and a New Environmental Strategy (Paperback)

Double Value: on Environmental *and* Information Strategy June 2, 2001 Joe Thornton This is the best of the several environmentally-oriented books I have reviewed recently, and it offers a double value: not only does it lay out a persuasive social, economic, and political case for abandoning the Risk Paradigm of permissive pollution in favor of …