Robert Steele: The Death of US-UK Intelligence? IF They Declare War on Alternative Media / Anti-Vaxxers THEN They Will Lose Everything

I believe the below to be true and planned. It makes the appointment of Mike Flynn as restored Director of Central Intelligence, and Sidney Flynn as the new Director of the FBI bringing back several thousand retired but honest and competent Special Agents, all the more urgent. US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War …

Worth a Look: Ezra Cohen-Watnick Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became  Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020.  He had served as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. In that role, he was responsible for all policy formulation and oversight for Department of Defense counterterrorism, special operations, counternarcotics, detainee affairs, peacekeeping, …

Berto Jongman: War on the Rocks Zachery Tyson Brown What If Sherman Kent Was Wrong? Revisiting the Intelligence Debate of 1949

What If Sherman Kent Was Wrong? Revisiting the Intelligence Debate of 1949 Zachery Tyson Brown, War on the Rocks One of Kent’s contemporaries noted in 1962 that most policy decisions were made without any input from intelligence — something Kent himself begrudgingly acknowledged and that has since been confirmed again, again, and again. Even when …