John Maguire: Tesla to World – Take Our Patents — We’ve Made Them Open Source

All Our Patent Are Belong To You By Elon Musk, CEO Yesterday, there was a wall of Tesla patents in the lobby of our Palo Alto headquarters. That is no longer the case. They have been removed, in the spirit of the open source movement, for the advancement of electric vehicle technology. Tesla Motors was …

SchwartzReport: Privatization Eliminates Government As Intentional Ladder of Opportunity — Wages Drop, Benefits Vanish

Privatization is the curse laid upon society by vampire capitalism. As this article shows it only benefits the rich, and it degrades the lives of ordinary Americans. One Percent’s Twisted New Heist: What’s Really Behind Privatization ELIAS ISQUITH – Salon As most experts and layman enthusiasts will tell you, there’s no one, single explanation for …

Michel Bauwens: Transitioning to a Commons-Based Society

Transitioning to a Commons-Based Society Background on the FLOK Project Michel Bauwens: The National Plan of Ecuador recognizes and stresses that the global transformation towards knowledge-based societies and economies requires a new form for the creation and distribution of value in society. The National Plan’s central concept is the achievement of ‘Buen Vivir’ (Sumak Kawsay) …

Yoda: Tutorial – How GoogleEarth and “Tiling” Work to Enable All-Source Near-Real-Time Big Data Sparse Matrix Compression & Tailored Exploitation

TILING 101: 2010 Tile-Based GIS Chapter See Also: How GoogleEarth [Really] Works Introduction After reading an article called “How Google Earth Works” on the great site, it became apparent that the article was more of a “how cool it is” and “here’s how to use it” than a “how Google Earth [really] works.” So …

Anthony Judge: Identification of Bullets – Human Right and Human Responsibility?

Phi Beta Iota: We identify food that kills people — and demand it be taken off the market. Should we do the same with bullets? Identification of Bullets: human right and human responsibility? Introduction Much is made of the implications of the arms trade and the spread of weapons, notably manufactured by the permanent members …

Jean Lievens: Stacco Troncoso Shares Helene Finidori on FLOK Society and the Commons

Helene Finidori on FLOK Society and the Commons Here’s an excellent summary, written by our good friend Helene Finidori from the Commons Abundance Network, on FLOK Society’s historical significance for the Commons and P2P movements. The article was originally published in STIR magazine and Helene has kindly given us permission to republish it here. This column was …