Neal Rauhauser: Isolating Current Conversations in E-Relations

Yesterday after I posted Exploring e-International Relations I kept digging. I visited the LinkedIn profiles I had and found half a dozen additional people by using the “also viewed” column on the right. One of them responded to my request to connect, so I should be able to see the whole group fairly soon. Having …

Neal Rauhauser: From Boston to Texas: Suspicous Fertilizer Explosion

MEDIA Catches Up: As many as 15 dead, 160 wounded in Texas fertilizer plant blast “It was like a nuclear bomb went off,” Muska said. “Big old mushroom cloud.” West, Texas Fertilizer Explosion Explained I posted Massive Fertilizer Explosion In West, Texas around 10:21 local time for the plant. That was a rush job, this is …

Neal Rauhauser: Investigating Wikistrat & Comment on Twitter with Links

Wikistrat Investigation Summary Having had some success in domestic policy decision making, with Progressive Congress News being the final result, I thought I would see if there was anything that needed doing in the realm of foreign policy.  Wikistrat, [allegedly] the world’s first Massively Multiplayer Online Consultancy (MMOC), was something that was immediately visible once I …

Neal Rauhauser: Individual Reputation Metrics, Long Term Implications

Individual Reputation Metrics, Long Term Implications Just over four years ago I wrote my first article about Twitter and not long after that I created my first Twitter ‘program’ – a single line unix curl command placed in cron. The command executed at the top of every hour, posting the same tweet. Things have come a …

Neal Rauhauseer: Afghanistan Coalition Casualties, Opium Poppies & Drone Strikes

Afghanistan: Coalition Casualties, Opium Poppies & Drone Strikes Funding The Syrian Insurgency was written almost five months ago and it references a 2006 paper by economist Paul Coller, Economic Causes of Civil Conflict and their Implications for Policy. Summarizing to a single sentence, insurgencies market themselves to claim moral high ground, but they always have an …

Neal Reauhauser: Exploring E-International Relations

Exploring e-International Relations When I was checking out the Think Tanks & Civil Societies Program I noticed e-International Relations – the world’s leading website for students of international politics. They had an About page similar to that of Wikistrat, listing all of their volunteer editors and some additional information on them. Last night I entered most …