2013 Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency

Document (4 Pages):  Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency 2.0 En Espanol:  2013 Sanando a las Américas con una Agencia de Fuente Abierta AAIntelligencia Marzo 2013:  AAIMARZO2013 Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency Can Chile Lead the Americas Toward Open Source Everything? Robert David STEELE Vivas, CEO, Earth Intelligence Network Editor’s …

Open Power: Democracy Lost & Found Essay, Book Review Blurbs and Links [Updated 3 MAR 2015]

NEW: Kindle Book Open Power ($2.99) OLD: Core Documents for Both Initiatives (Free) OLD: the foundation book The Open Source Everything Manifesto ROBERT STEELE: There are two schools of thought on effecting political (and hence economic and social) reform. One school is the school of love — this school emphasizes trust building and doing no …

2013 Robert Steele on Healing the Americas with an Open Source Agency — and Integrity; Dicho Sobre la Curacion de las Américas con una Agencia de Todo Abierto – y la Integridad 1.7

BRIEFING (PPT) with Words in Notes Format:  Steele Healing Americas 1.7 URL corto para esta entrada:  http://tinyurl.com/IADB-Abierto Short URL for this post:  http://tinyurl.com/IADB-Open Watch Advance Informal Version of Briefing (Open Slides in Another Window First)   Vea tambien: 2011: Inteligencia Empresarial y Estrategia Competitiva en Mercados Internacional – Contexto y Desafio [Commercial Intelligence and Competitive …

Reflections: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Concepts & Doctrine? Implications for Human & Open Source Intelligence 2.0

Citation:  Robert David STEELE Vivas, “The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Concepts & Doctrine? Implications for Human & Open Source Intelligence,” Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog (12 December 2012). For Part II See:  2012 Robert Steele: The Human Factor & The Human Environment: Contextual Trust for Sources & Methods UPDATE 16 Dec 2012:  …

Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012]

Open education has at least three components:  free access to learning resources; digital access to formerly analog learning resoources (e.g. instructors in classrooms); and learning accomplishment validation (becoming common) or credentialing (rare at this time).  More broadly defined, open education is “root” for any society desiring to be both democratic and prosperous.  Open education has …