Event: Free Online 25 January 6 PM Eastern Daniel Pinchbeck & Sean Stone – Fight Club!

FIGHT CLUB!  Extraterrestrial Drug Czar & Brilliant Author Confronts Pro Trump Anti Hollywood Movie Producer & Converted Muslim Sean Stone On Monday evening, I am holding a free public conversation with director, actor and talk show host Sean Stone (son of the well-known director Oliver Stone). I am friends with Sean. We have had some …

Mongoose: BOOM – Notional Big Picture Right Now

Below from a patriot, but not fully verified — for example, there has been no public notice of the Insurrection Act having been signed but many including Juan O. Savin (PP) believe this to be  the case. Below is what should be happening — whether it will actually happen remains to be seen

Robert Steele: Reflections on Truthers — And Attempts to Diminish Them — My Email to Charlie Ward & Simon Parkes

I have watched in awe as the Deep State has combined financial influence with censorship tools pioneered by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to make every form of software including Microsoft Office subject to “hate speech” termination without regard to the Constitution, Title VII, or the Communications Decency Act that indemnifies platforms provided they do not …