Marcus Aurelius: Daniel Goure on Needing an Army — Robert Steele on Irresponsible Government

I think article below is spot on, but I also don’t think it will matter.  Given the current national trajectory, it will take another Kasserine Pass, another Task Force SMITH, to get America to pay attention to T.R. Fehrenbach (“… young men in the mud. …”), to the eternal truth that the ultimate arbiter of …

Marcus Aurelius: Can the Army [CSA] Handle the Truth? Includes Copy of SSI Monograph “Closing the Candor Chasm”

Article below appeared in last week’s Army Times. Paper to which article refers attached; I’ve been carrying a hardcopy in my rucksack for weeks. Author works for the Undersecretary of the Army. Many of us feel that the Army absolutely cannot deal with truth or candor. Messengers often get killed. PC often rules the day. …

Marcus Aurelius: 10+ Combat Events = Mental Breakdown – Either Avoid Elective Wars, Or Maintain a Larger Army (for Toxic Leaders, Triple Again)

Here’s What’s Troubling American Troops in One Chart It’s about ‘combat experiences,’ not length of deployment This Army graph makes crystal clear what many U.S. troops, and their loved ones, have long suspected: the more combat events they experience, the more mental-health problems they will suffer. In fact, according to this illustration from a new …

Neal Rauhauser: US Aircraft Carriers — Way Too Many, Irresponsibly Drawing Resources Away from a Long-Haul Air Force and an Air-Mobile Army

Global Aircraft Carrier Infographic Some weeks ago I wrote Carriers Of The Pacific, a comparison of the U.S. fleet vs. other countries, prompted by the U.S. “pivot to the east”. One Chart Shows The Magnitude Of U.S. Naval Dominance provides an infographic that makes things crystal clear. Two thirds of all carriers belong to the U.S. …