Review (Guest): Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species

Paul Hellyer 5.0 out of 5 stars Beams of Light from a Well-Respected Statesman September 18, 2010 By Gerald MacLennon Unlike our Asian counterparts, the West often fails to accord our wise elders the honor they deserve – the status they have earned by devoting their lives to love of, and service to humankind. Paul …

Chuck Spinney & Philip Giraldi: CIA Drones for Corrupt Regimes

Note that in addition to propping up Quisling centers at expense of the tribal periphery, we  will be fanning the fires of the sectarian warfare and killing gobs of innocents with more signature strikes (note dependency on “technical collection”). Drones for “Regime Protection” The CIA’s insurance plan for Karzai and Maliki—and what it means for …

Berto Jongman: Boston (False Flag) Bombing Of, By, and For Neocons to Justify Attack on Iran

Not the best source, but worth factoring into the over-all picture. Iran says bombing will be used as excuse to attack Reza Kahlili WND, 2 May 2013 New reports reveal Iran believes the United States will use the Boston bombings as a pretext for attacking the Islamic regime. . . . . . . . …

Chuck Spinney & Philip Giraldi: The Poisonous (Treasonous?) Influence of the Neo-Cons…Why Isn’t the FBI Going After Them?

While there is little that is new in the attached article by Philip Giraldi; it is nevertheless very important and well worth reading.  Giraldi has produced an excellent summary of the truly poisonous influences on US foreign and defense policies, a group more accurately described by the collective modifier neo-conmen. He describes how the influence of this movement’s …

Theophillis Goodyear: A New Paradigm for New Times: Creators vs. Destroyers

Ayn Rand’s central paradigm is a dichotomy between those she calls makers and takers. The makers, in her opinion, are the industrialists. And the takers are people who favor any kind of government social program or anyone who relies on such a program. But perhaps the most accurate paradigm for the 20th and 21st centuries …

David Swanson: The Revolution Note Being Televised (US Protesters Going to Jail)

The Revolution That’s Not Being Televised Hundreds gathered in Dallas to reject the Bush Lie Bury, and three went to jail.  I flew from Dallas to Syracuse, where hundreds protested Obama’s drone-murder program, and 32 went to jail and are still there (and will stay until trial unless bail can be raised) — some of …

Chuck Spinney: Iraq Army Losing North, Partition Being Discussed

The author of the attached report, Patrick Cockburn, is one of very best reporters reporting on the Middle East, and perhaps the most knowledgeable on Iraq.  This is a very important report, in my opinion. Partition could really have a destabilizing influence on the entire Arab region, but especially Syria, as well as non-Arab Turkey. …