Joseph Olson: 9/11 Nuclear – The Unequivocal Story

Unequivocal 9/11 Nukes Engineering is applied science, with one caveat not shared with other science disciplines, engineers are held criminally and financially responsible for their errors and omissions. This moral component extends to non professional life, where protecting the Health & Safety of the Public includes exposing misrepresentations of science for political purposes.

Mongoose: How Mexico Treats Journalists Who Expose Government-Commercial Pedophilia Networks — Coming Soon to the USA?

Here’s What Happened When a Journalist Exposed a Pedo Sex Ring in Mexico In 2005, she published Los Demonios de Edén (“The Demons of Eden”), a book exposing a child sex trafficking ring involving politicians, government officials, and businessmen. Cacho was arrested and charged with defamation following the book’s publication. In 2006, a transcript of …