Patrick Meier: Twitter, Early Warning, Small Data Matters More

Twitter, Crises and Early Detection: Why “Small Data” Still Matters My colleagues John Brownstein and Rumi Chunara at Harvard University’s HealthMap project are continuing to break new ground in the field of Digital Disease Detection. Using data obtained from tweets and online news, the team was able to identify a cholera outbreak in Haiti weeks before health officials acknowledged the problem publicly. …

Berto Jongman: Ray Kurzweil on Man-Machine Future

Inside the Kurzweil SXSW Keynote: On Infinite Mind Power, Robotic Overlords and Immortality He is one of the world’s most renowned futurists, and onstage at South By Southwest, Ray Kurzweil stirred debate with a speech that outlined the incredible role artificial intelligence will play in the future, as it reshapes humanity South By Southwest Interactive …

Owl: ChemTrails, Martial Law, Oil Derivatives…

Chemtrails Against US General Public? This article explains how to distinguish ordinary contrails from what is a by-definition hazardous chemtrail in the sky. The reason it is hazardous is the two chemicals researchers were able to identify from chemtrails residues: “Several sky watchers throughout the world have had residue samples analyzed after collecting them in …

Eagle: Senators Intervene To Halt Wellness Ambassadors Who Recommend Dietary Supplements Instead of Drugs at Rite-Aid Stores

Senators Intervene To Halt Wellness Ambassadors Who Recommend Dietary Supplements Instead of Drugs at Rite-Aid Stores About 300 of Rite-Aid’s 4700 drug stores are starting to direct customers to what they want – wellness without dependence upon problematic and over-priced prescription drugs. But that practice has obviously upset Big Pharma. These white-coated ambassadors are allegedly …

Review (Guest): The Better Angels of Our Nature – Why Violence Has Declined

A Propaganda Windfall for the Imperial State: Steven Pinker on the Decline of Violence Edward Herman, Z Magazine | Book Review, Sunday 4 March 2012 Steven Pinker’s new book, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, is a propaganda windfall for the leaders and supporters of the U.S. imperial state, currently …