Bin Laden Show 32: Journalists on Fiction and Lies

Journalists Are Grumbling About Changing Raid Details By Uri Friedman May 05, 2011 Atlantic Monthly The White House’s account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden has undergone some revisions in recent days–a fact White House press secretary Jay Carney (pictured above) attributed to a “fog of war” atmosphere as information continues to stream …

Bin Laden Show 21: Translation of Statement

Following is a translation of a statement attributed to the Qaida’t al-Jihad Organization-General Command.  It’s actual provenance cannot be confirmed. You Lived a Compassionate and You Died a Martyr Statement Regarding the Defiant Battle and the Martyrdom of Sheikh Usama bin Laden-may Allah have mercy on him In the name of Allah the Most Merciful …

Identity Authentication–People, Data, Context

Contribution to Google Group Next Net There are eight intelligence tribes, each of which has its own authentication procedures at top and sub-levels..  Academic, civil society (including hybrid networks, labor unions and religions), commerce (both legal and illegal), government (at all levels on all issues), law enforcement (including badge versus non-badge), media (including bloggers), and …

Review (Guest): Liberty Defined–50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Ron Paul

Ron Paul Paul’s Greatest, Most Daring Book Yet A. Maheshwari April 19, 2011 Ron Paul continues the noble tradition of founders and thinkers such as Thomas Jefferson, Edmund Burke, James Burnham and Patrick Buchanan in social-political conditions of the 21st Century. The book is written in lucid, vital and free flowing style without any convoluted …

9-11 Truth Can End Your Career….

Breathing a word of truth about 9/11 will kill your career Scoop Independent News, Monday, 18 April 2011, 12:22 pm Interview by Kourosh Ziabari Kevin Barrett is a renowned American journalist, writer and former university lecturer. He has taught English, French, Arabic, American Civilization, Humanities, African Literature, Folklore, and Islam at colleges and universities in …