Chuck Spinney: The Mind of the Decider — Ignorance Plus Arrogance — Disconnected from Reality While All Others Buried Their Integrity

NATIONAL SECURITY Iraq Invasion Anniversary: Inside The Decider’s Head By Chuck Spinney, March 22, 2013 [note: a shorter version of this essay also appeared in Counterpunch here] In the summer of 2002, during the lead up to the Iraq War, a White House official expressed displeasure about with article written by journalist Ron Suskind in Esquire. He asserted people like Suskind were trapped “in …

SchwartzReport: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, & The Really Ugly

GOOD:  Solar Power to Hit Cost Parity Next Year RP SIEGEL – Triple Pundit BAD:  Amanpour on Iraq: Where Were the Journalists? DAVID FERGUSON – The Raw Story UGLY:  The Last Letter: A Message to George Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran TOMAS YOUNG – Truthdig REALLY UGLY:  America’s Dirtiest Coal Company[Deliberate Bankrupcy …

Gordon Duff: Concerns Over Proliferation of Intrusive Drones

Drone Nightmare, the Unseen Threat Today the Middle East and much of Africa are subject to attacks by American drones. As horrific as the drone threat may be seen today or even feared for tomorrow, the truth if far worse than ever imagined. Drones of unimagined capability are being readied for deployment with even more …

Eagle: America’s Retirement Crisis

America’s Retirement Crisis Decades of class war leaves most Americans nearing retirement woefully unprepared. Since the mid-1970s, real wages haven’t kept pace with inflation. Benefits steadily eroded. High-paying jobs disappeared. Improved technology forces wage earners to work harder for less. So-called “free” markets work only for those who control them. A handful of winners benefit …