Reference: 100 Critical Points About 9/11

 100 Critical Points About 9/11 By “Tommy” Introduction/Challenge to ‘Debunkers’: It’s time for ‘debunkers’ to showcase their years of hard work. I’m looking for a concise and agreed-upon explanation for each of the following items so that we might forever put to rest these ‘nonsense conspiracy theories’ about 9/11. Ideally, I’m hoping for a 1-4 …

SchwartzReport: Tom Engelhardt — No Longer in Search of Enemies — We Have Created Them and Turned the World Against the USA

Here is a brilliant essay on the endless wars that enrich the few, and destroy the lives of many, and drain our treasury of the money we should be using to prepare our society for the world that is coming. We are destroying ourselves because we cannot mount the political will to demand life affirming …

Berto Jongman: USA Raises Permissible Radioative Levels for Water and Soil — Civilian Cancer Deaths Projected to Rise to 1 in 23 versus 1 in 10,000

Obama Approves Raising Permissible Levels of Nuclear Radiation in Drinking Water. Civilian Cancer Deaths Expected to Skyrocket Rollback in Nuclear Radiation Cleanup Helen Caldcott Global Research (Canada), 14 April 2013 The White House has given final approval for dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil following “radiological incidents,” such as nuclear power-plant …

Daniel Ellsberg: On Secrecy & Whistleblowing with Comment by Robert Steele

Secrecy and National Security Whistleblowing Daniel Ellsberg on January 8, 2013 [Originally published in Social Research] I) Reflections on Secret-keeping and Identity In the “national security” area of the government–the White House, the departments of state and defense, the armed services and the “intelligence community,” along with their contractors–there is less whistleblowing than in other …

SchwartzReport: BP Spill Kills Dolphins, Blinds Shrimp – Is BP Murdering Lawmakers to Ease Its Way Out? + BP Gulf RECAP

One clearly sees the character of these corporations in times of disaster. They have obviously spent billions developing extraction technologies, and virtually nothing on how to cope with what happens if it all goes wrong. Here is as clear an example as anyone could provide. Dead Dolphins and Shrimp With No Eyes Found After BP …

SchwartzReport: For Price of Iraq War, Half of the US Could Be on Renewable Energy Now

I believe that historians will look back on the era that began with Reagan, and reached its peak during the administration of the second Bush, and his evil wizard, Cheney, and mark that as the beginning of the decline of America. We traded prosperity, and greatness, for the tainted pottage of elective war, and the …

Review: Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry

Marc Ambinder and D. B. Grady 3.0 out of 5 stars Mish-Mash — Superficial, Avoids Ethics, Corruption, and Cost Issues, April 7, 2013 This is a seriously disappointing book. As another reviewer has noted, and I concur, it is a hodge podge. Worse, it avoids the serious issues of ethics, deep corruption, and the opportunity …