Journal: Shoot the Messenger–Not the Originators

Phi Beta Iota: With the utmost respect for both the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (C/JCS) and the Secretary of Defense (SecDef), their “outrage” is nonsense–nothing more than political theater.  On BBC, the moderately intelligent evening news, this is right up there with the French mom who murdered eight babies. 1.  The Taliban …

NIGHTWATCH Extracts: US Foreign Policy Confused

Koreas Comment: The White House statement presented the exercises in the context of routine behavior among Allies, timid and defensive. The Defense Department and UN Command statements indicated the exercises are pointed, aggressive and intended to be intimidating. The two statements neutralize each other because reassurance always trumps vigilance. Undermining both statements is the fact …

Journal: Obama Strike Four…

Mr. Obama’s presidency is now being defined by four intractable problems: (1) Persistent High Unemployment due to the intractable Great Recession; (2) a Financial Giveaway that protected rich Wall Street bankers at the expense of the masses who are suffering economically from the Great Recession the bankers triggered; (2) A BP Environmental Disaster that reveals …

Central America Becomes World’s First Landmine-Free Region

Press Release — Embargoed until 18 June 2010, 9:00 am Managua Time (GMT-7) Managua, 18 June 2010 — As Nicaragua celebrates completion of its mine clearance activities, Central America becomes the world’s first landmine-free region, said the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) today. North and Central America, from the Arctic Circle to the Colombian …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China Rules Central Asia….

China-Pakistan: China and Pakistan signed four memorandums of understanding in health, power generation and the construction of two major highways in Gilgit-Baltistan, The Associated Press of Pakistan reported 9 July. According to the road construction agreements, China will construct the 165-kilometer (103-mile) Jaglot-Skardu road and the 135-kilometer (84-mile) Thakot-Sazin road. The projects will cost $965 …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Gwadar for Peace & Prosperity

Pakistan: Security. Several Chinese engineers working in Baluchistan survived an attempt on their lives when unidentified assailants fired two rockets at a five -star hotel in the provincial town, in a pre-dawn attack on Wednesday. According to reports, the Chinese engineers left the hotel elevator minutes before the attack, which damaged a portion of the …