DARPA as Poster Child for Out of Control Budget

From the inventors of McNamara’s electronic line (which failed spectacularly in Vietnam) comes the Electronic Coup/Revolution Predictor (EC/RP)!  This is explained below in the attached Wired report. The EC/RP is merely the latest effort in DARPA’s continuing campaign to overthrow Boyd’s Law* (i.e., Machines don’t fight war wars, people do, and they use their minds) by …

Chuck Spinny on George Will: Pusillanimous Mush

In a 13 February 2011 op-ed column [also attached below], George Will, a self-proclaimed conservative, who by definition must favor adherence to the Accountability and Appropriations Clauses of the Constitution, not to mention the rule of law (for example, the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990), announced that he has discovered the Pentagon’s bookkeeping shambles! …

USAF Backs Off on Threat to Air Family Members….

Air Force Rescinds New Guidance on WikiLeaks Secrecy News reported Monday on strange new guidance from the Air Force Materiel Command declaring that Air Force employees and even their family members could be prosecuted under the Espionage Act for accessing the WikiLeaks web site. On Monday night that new guidance was abruptly withdrawn. Lt. Col. …

An excellent critique of Israel’s grand strategy …

… which is to morally isolate itself by making enemies faster than it can kill them. If Israel’s behaviour continues unchecked, the pro-Israeli biases in and distortions of US policies will intensify our own isolation, until something snaps in our polity — and then, Israel will be all alone. Read rest of article…. IMO … …