Journal: What’s Wrong with American defense….

Phi Beta Iota: Notes summarizing the 59 minute video are below the line. ….Watch this!!!!!  My good friend Pierre Sprey interviews Bill Hartung on Book TV about Hartung’s new book, Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex. The book is a history of the largest military contractor in U.S. history, …

Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II

Original Post with William Drayton, Alexandere Carpenter, and Robert Steele:  Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II–Alexander Carpenter (AC), the Founding Fathers, and Modern Seers Journal: Get America Working-A Conversation If you do nothing else, please consider reviewing the many contributions by Tom Atlee via the first line in Part IV: Related Recommended Reading, Atlee …

Review: Why Leaders Lie–The Truth About Lying in International Politics

John J. Mearsheimer Cornerstone, Not the Whole Building January 2, 2011 By no stretch should this book be dismissed as a three. While I might normally have gone with a four, I am settling on five for balance and because the author not only covers an extraordinarily important topic in a sensible measured way, but …

Reference: Truth & Nuance as an Information Operations (IO) Mission

Aldous Huxley Would Be Proud by Kelley B. Vlahos, December 14, 2010 EXTRACT:  British novelist Aldous Huxley was a social critic and futurist, who is best known for penning Brave New World, which, aside from being a nearly 80-year-old science fiction masterpiece, is both an allegory and prophecy for 21st Century western society. Huxley’s finger …

Obama’s March to Folly: The Myth of Liberal Intervention & the Arrogance of Ignorance

Weekend Edition December 17 – 19, 2010 The Myth of Liberal Intervention and the Arrogance of Ignorance Obama’s March to Folly By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch In a recent opinion piece, “Kosovo and the Myth of Liberal Intervention,” Neil Clark in the Guardian on 15 December gave the reader a good summary of the …