30 December 2010
Cyber-sabotage and espionage top 2011 security fears (BBC)
The WikiLeaks War on America (Commentary)
The Dark Side of Wikileaks (Atlanta Post)
Assange: I'll reveal info that will spark Arab world coups (YNETNews)
Assange: Many Arab Officials Work With CIA (CBSNews)
WikiLeaks founder vows to release all files in case of death or incarceration (The Star)
Floyd Abrams Whizzes on WikiLeaks (Slate)
Wired journalists deny cover-up over WikiLeaks boss and accused US soldier (Guardian)
53 letters: Response to Wired's accusations (Salon)
FBI Raids Texas Server Farm for Clues to Anonymous Group, Operation Payback (eweek)
If Wikileaks Is About Cyberwar, Was The Pentagon Papers About A Wood Pulp War? (techdirt)
27 December 2010
2010 has been a year of disruptive technologies (Mercury News)
WikiLeaks: Transforming journalism (Al Jazeera)
WikiLeaks Reveals Worldwide Drug Corruption (NewsOne)
WikiLeaks reveals US drug agency’s intelligence role (Economic Times IN)
26 December 2010
Assange signs $ 1.5 million book deal (WashingtonBanglarRadio)
25 December 2010
NOT REPORTED IN USA: David Frost Interviews Julian Asssange (Tip of the Hat to Debilyn Molineaux at LinkedIn)
+ Source driven–not focused on US but US is so big it bleeds whistle-blowers
+ Opposed to authority lacking legitimacy, helps whistle-blowers have impact
+ Governments and individual politicians being exposed as liars
+ Swedish government refusing to provide charges, statements, other evidence to the British court–simply demanding extradition
+ Critical of those in US, both government and corporate, that took punitive actions without a court judgment–over-stepping their bounds–under the table influence from Washington network
Banks and WikiLeaks (NYT)
Satirical WikiLeaks rap featuring Assange's cameo takes Internet by storm (OneIndia)
WikiLeaks and the Press (GulfDailyNews)
Jailed Soldier Has Support of Resisters (NYT)
24 December 2010
Bruce Sterling on Wikileaks and the future of dissidents
This knotty situation is not gonna “blow over,” because it’s been building since 1993 and maybe even 1947. “Transparency” and “discretion” are virtues, but they are virtues that clash. The international order and the global Internet are not best pals. They never were, and now that’s obvious.
The Deception of US Law in the Curious Case Against Julian Assange (subversity)
What WikiLeaks revealed to the world in 2010 (Salon)
WikiLeaks Spending Ballooned, Data Show (WSJ)
Did WikiLeaks bring on cyberwar? Maybe a cyber sit-in (CSM)
W.T.F., What's Going On? CIA Wikileaks Panel Reveals Findings (DailyTech)
The CIA refused to share its reports on SIPRNET — a system accessible by close to 2 million soldiers, intelligence officials, and private contractors. (Source: U.S. Army photo by Spc. Michelle Waters, 133rd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment)
CIA software also sends warnings if large amounts of information are downloaded on a system — a common sense precaution that the U.S. Military apparently never though of or got around to implementing. (Source: Microsoft)

22 December 2010
Journal: CIA WikiLeaks Task Force (aka WTF, One Down From REMF)
UN looking into WikiLeaks suspect's treatment (AP)
Local rally scheduled for Wikileaks whistleblower (Charleston Gazette)
Bank of America Buys Nasty Domain Names Ahead of WikiLeaks Publication (Slate)
WikiLeaks, Russian Paper Teaming Up To Expose Graft In Country (Nasdaq.com)
Wikileaks will lead to security crackdowns, say readers (ZDnet UK)
“Wikileaks” enters the English language (Reuters)
Which Is Worse, WikiLeaks or Facebook? (FoxNews)
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange issues threat and complains about … leaks (CSM)
WikiLeaks Founder: We Have Enough Information To Make An Exec At A Major Bank Resign (Huffington Post)
The Hazards of Nerd Supremacy: The Case of WikiLeaks (Atlantic)
Prospect of WikiLeaks Dump Poses Problems for Regulators (NYT)
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange To Write His Memoirs (DailyFinance)

20 December 2010
Tortured Logic: It's Clear Where the Secrecy-Obsessed Obama Administration is Headed in Its Pursuit of WikiLeaks (This Can't Be Happening)
WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange: ‘Terrorist' or journalist? (CSM)
WikiLeaks’ Debacle Should Be Wake Up Call For Ag (CattleNetwork)
WikiLeaks cables: ‘Taliban treats heroin stocks like savings accounts' (Guardian)
Australian police: Wikileaks has not broken the law (ZDNet)
Q+A: The case for and against Julian Assange (Reuters)
Pfc. Bradley Manning is Next Hero of Organized Left (Yahoo)
18-19 December 2010
American secrets and bizarre rules (Khaleej Times)
WikiLeaks: Truth or Lies? (Mideast Youth)
Joe Biden v. Joe Biden on WikiLeaks (Salon)
Locals Rally Supports WikiLeaks (Santa Cruz Patch)
Letters: Documents on WikiLeaks keep government honest (Post Crescent)
Letter: Wikileaks revelations proves we should live in fear (The Bugle AZ)
WikiLeaks case different than other celebrated leaks (Telegraph UK)
Phi Beta Iota: This is the first time we have seen clear evidence of Israel having a hand in the WikiLeaks dump, and perhaps the fourth or fifth time we have seen references to WikiLeaks' latest dump having an integrated covert action objective focused on Iran. We know the Israelis and Cubans are good enough for that level of play, we are not at all sure the Americans are–CIA is still reeling from having given Iran the complete plans for a nuclear bomb with embedded “errors” that were quickly discovered and corrected. There is a growing sophistication in the discussion of WikiLeaks, the most valuable of elements of which have the emphasis on governments speaking the truth publicly, and on transparency as the foundation for truth among peoples and governments. The US Government has lost faith not just with foreign publics, but with its own public, and that is Information Operations (IO) challenge #1. One should not throw stones when one lives in a glass house. The chart to the left is “core” knowledge for IO leaders.
NEW SHORT- CUT: http://www.tinyurl.com/Wiki-War
See Also:
2002 The New Craft of Intelligence–What Should the T Be Doing to the I in IT?
Journal: WikiLeaks Collaboration, WikiLeaks Attacked + CYBER RECAP
Journal: Army Industrial-Era Network Security + Cyber-Security RECAP (Links to Past Posts)
Journal: Cyber-Idiocy Two, Cyber-Sense Zero

17 December 2010
What a difference WikiLeaks makes (Sydney Morning Herald)
10 days in Sweden: the full allegations against Julian Assange (Guardian UK)
Witnesses Tell House Judiciary Committee: “Don’t Overreact to Wikileaks” (Ground Report)
The real danger of living in the age of WikiLeaks (Seattle Times)
Wikileaks and the Future of Cybersecurity (von xchange)
Ralph Nader: Julian Assange Prosecution a ‘Distraction' from Executive Branch Secrecy (ABC News)
Julian Assange-Katie Couric Interview: WikiLeaks Founder Defiant On CBS ‘Evening News' (Huffington Post)

16 December 2010
On-Going Debate: The Cables and the Damage Done (Lowry Institute AU)
WikiLeaks hactivists look to improve attack software (Reuters)
Amazon’s WikiLeaks Response Threatens Cloud Computing (Wall Street Journal)
Julian Assange granted bail at high court (Guardian UK)
Who Should Direct the Inevitable WikiLeaks Movie? (MovieLine)
In snub to WikiLeaks, Zuckerberg wins TIME Person of Year 2010 (ComputerWorld)
Phi Beta Iota: TIME got it right BUT GroupOn has not had the time to mature, it will be the pick of the decade to come, in our view. The best transparency is legal, ethical, voluntary transparency. Wikileaks is a mutation that will force change in the bodies politic and economic; Facebook is an immature social networking concept with very little substance but enormous reach. GroupOn is the seed crystal for the World Brain, Global Game, and individualized Policy-Budget Engagement Tool.
15 December 2010
Hell hath no fury like an empire mocked
WikiLeaks: The Banality of Evil and Imperial Over-Reach
Just how many documents does WikiLeaks have?
WikiLeaks Contender ‘Promising,’ Analysts Say
Video: Inside Story – Who rules the web?
The Inhumane Detention Of WikiLeaks Leaker Bradley Manning
WikiLeaks: BP blowout in Azerbaijan similar to one in Gulf
Court costs strain WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's finances
The Unknown Blogger Who Changed WikiLeaks Coverage

14 December 2010
Wikileaks' Source: Saboteur, Snitch or Hero? (NBC Bay Area)
Intellectual life of WikiLeaks chief (AP in Washington Post)
Fact Checker: What WikiLeaks did was not criminal (RGJ.com)
UK Court Grants Bail to WikiLeaks' Julian Assange (ABC News)
UK.gov braces for possible Wikileaks hacklash (Register UK)
Michael Moore: Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange (Huffington Post)
WikiLeaks Founder Releases Statement From Prison (Huffington Post)

13 December 2010 Round V Begins–Copycats and More….
Short Cut: http://www.tinyurl.com/Wiki-War
Here Come The WikiLeaks Copycats: IndoLeaks, BrusselsLeaks And BalkanLeaks (Forbes)
The Nation: Ron Paul's Fight For Transparency (Nation)
Assange attorney:[Secret] Grand jury meeting in Virginia on WikiLeaks (CNN)
The Conservative Case for WikiLeaks (Neontommy)
WikiLeaks hoax fools Pakistan media (CBC News)
WikiLeaks Shows U.S. Manipulating ‘The Political Dwarves Of Europe'
What It's Like To Participate In Anonymous' Actions
Reference: Wikileaks Bag of Words, Personal Democracy, More Authentic
Reference: Lying is Not Patriotic–Ron Paul
Essays on Conspiracy by Julian Assange (Cryptome)
QUOTE: The more secretive or unjust an organization is, the more leaks induce fear and paranoia in its leadership and planning coterie. This must result in minimization of efficient internal communications mechanisms (an increase in cognitive “secrecy tax”) and consequent system-wide cognitive decline resulting in decreased ability to hold onto power as the environment demands adaptation.
12 December 2010 Focus on Wiki Power
WikiLeaky Power (Project Syndicate)
Social : WikiLeaks, Toffler and Power Shift (ecademy)
Wikileaks: Power shifts from secrecy to transparency (buzzmachine)
Wikileaks: Power's Legitimacy Directly Proportionate to Its Transparency (PDA)
Wikileaks is a Power Shift from the Elite to the Masses but Also Reduces Government Efficacy (Kinetic Reaction)
O'Brien: WikiLeaks cyberbattles signal rise of new powers (Mercury News)
Wikileaks: Power, Propaganda, and the Global Political Awakening (Dandelion Salad)
WikiLeaks and Claim of Warmest Year On Record, Expose Climate Criminality (by Governments, Especially US Government) (MyAuburn California)
Cass Sunstein, Wikileaks And The Public Right To Know (OpEdNews)
Why did I back Julian Assange? It's about justice and fairness (Guardian UK)
Wikileaks show establishment’s need to keep people in the dark (Nation KE)
WikiLeaks sparks revolution (WorldNetDaily)
Seven Thoughts on Wikileaks (Lawfare)
WikiLeaks backlash: The first global cyber war has begun, claim hackers (Guardian UK)
WikiLeaks CableGate: Weekend Updates (CBSNews)
11 December 2010 AM
WIkileaks: US Charge D'Affairs Lied to Washington (Bernama MY)
The Blog of War: WikiLeaks Exposes Business-as-usual, and a New Battle Ensues (Huffington Post)
Julian Assange supporters plan protests worldwide (Guardian UK)
Six Anti-Theses on WikiLeaks (Cryptome)
Twelve theses on WikiLeaks (eurozine)

NEW SHORT- CUT: http://www.tinyurl.com/Wiki-War
There are 251,287 total documents to be leaked, WikiLeaks says, and still less than 1 percent have been published thus far.
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange ‘Should Get Nobel Peace Prize,' Says Russia (Huffington Post) with 14 photos of protesters
Editor at Large, The National Post
Posted: December 10, 2010 02:08 PM
WikiLeaks Is the New Journalism (Huffington Post)
Bestselling Author, The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot
Espionage Act: How the Government Can Engage in Serious Aggression Against the People of the United States (Huffington Post)
Ron Paul Defends WikiLeaks On House Floor (VIDEO) (Huffington Post)
WikiLeaks' Most Striking Revelation: Torture OK, Leaking Not OK (Huffington Post)
WikiLeaks dissidents to launch rival OpenLeaks project (AFP)
Pentagon Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Julian Assange Is not a Terrorist (Democracy Now!)
Military Bans Removable Media after WikiLeaks (CBSNews)
It’s Payback Time! The cyberwar begins (InfoShop News)
The Revolution Will Be Streamed — Operation Payback: Protest or War? (SearchEngineWatch)
Journalism Is Not an Attack, Wikileaks Is Not Warfare (Huffington Post)
We Want YOU, Say Hacktivists … but Is It Legal? (Fox)
WikiLeaks battle now a ‘cyber-war' (Winnipeg Free Press)
Legal fury at ‘war on free speech' (The Age AU)
Fey general who ignited a cyber war (Sydney Morning Herald)
WikiLeaks cyber war threatens online Christmas shopping chaos (Mirror UK)
Anonymous keeps the cannons firing while pressure mounts (TechHerald)
Predicting the future of WikiLeaks: Follow the media! (Foreign Policy)
Silencing WikiLeaks A Free Speech Challenge For U.S. (NPR)
Anti-WikiLeaks bill introduced in US Congress (IndiaTimes)
How to Think About WikiLeaks (Atlantic)
See Also:
Govt Response to Wikileaks Said to Cause More Damage (Secrecy News)
Phi Beta Iota: The most interesting comment so far, from Bruce Schneier
This has little to do with WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks is just a website. The real story is that “least trusted person” who decided to violate his security clearance and make these cables public. In the 1970s, he would have mailed them to a newspaper. Today, he used WikiLeaks. Tomorrow, he will have his choice of a dozen similar websites. If WikiLeaks didn't exist, he could have made them available via BitTorrent… And just as the music and movie industries are going to have to change their business models for the Internet era, governments are going to have to change their secrecy models. I don't know what those new models will be, but they will be different.
Phi Beta Iota: This is not about secrecy. This is about integrity. Governments have been using secrecy to avoid accountability and to “cut deals” that are not in the best interests of the public they ostensibly represent. The chasm between people with knowledge and people with power that Robert Steele wrote about in 1997 for the US Institute of Peace has widened to catastrophic proportions. WikiLeaks, in our view, is a necessary corrective event that will inspire public demands for governance reform. See also 2010 The Ultimate Hack Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Chapter for Counter-Terrorism Book Out of Denmark).
9 December 2010 Wiki-War Special
The WikiLeaks war (Al-Jazeera)
Pro-WikiLeaks hackers launch cyber attacks (TodayOnline)
Pro-WikiLeaks cyber army gains strength; thousands join DDoS attacks (ComputerWorld)
Facebook, Twitter boot WikiLeaks supporters after Visa attack (NewsCNET)
Amazon Cloud Withstands WikiLeaks Attack (InformationWeek)
WikiLeaks: Teenager arrested for ‘revenge attacks‘ (Telegraph UK)
Gasparino: Bank of America Has Set Up A Wikileaks “War Room” (bezinga.com)
‘Anonymous': How dangerous is hacker network defending WikiLeaks? (CSM)
DDoS: How to take down WikiLeaks, MasterCard or any other Web site (ZDNet)
Thousands Download Hacker Software in WikiLeaks Cyber-War (Voice Of America)
WikiLeaks ‘Anonymous' hackers: ‘We will fight' (CNN)

9 December 2010
Can the U.S. Actually Prosecute WikiLeaks? (CBSNews)
WikiLeaks grows stronger as supporters fight back (The Age AU)
Hacker Threatens More Attacks on Those Seen as WikiLeaks Foes (NYT)
WikiLeaks, the Web, and the Need to Rethink the Espionage Act (The Atlantic)

Continuing Wikileaks fallout: What the students think (ZDNet)
See Also:
Reference: STRATCOM KR WikiLeaks “Report”
Phi Beta Iota: In combination, WikiLeaks and GroupOn appear to represent a future in which citizens armed with both information and the ability to attack governments anonymously in cyber-space while also coordinating group desires, purchases, and behaviors, might restore the sovereignty of the public–a power government cannot repress. The game has changed–neither the government nor all of the people have figured this out yet. We are back to morality matters, and education rules.

8 December 2010
Top voices speak out for WikiLeaks (Times of India)
XIPWIRE Lone US Company Enabling Donations to Wikileaks (Huffington Post)
Facebook won't stop Wikileaks as status update numbers soar (CSM)
WikiLeaks Gets Its Own “Axis of Evil” Defense Network (GigaOm)
Visa DOWN: WikiLeaks Supporters Take Down Site As ‘Payback' (Huffington Post)
Assange's ‘poison pill' file impossible to stop, expert says (CNN)
Sex accusers boasted about their ‘conquest' of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (Times of India)
Rape claims, WikiLeaks and internet freedom (Guardian UK)
I Am Julian Assange (James Moore at Huffington Post)
From Jefferson to Assange (Robert Scheer of Truthdig at Huffington Post)
#WikiFear: What Are They Afraid Of? (Huffington Post)
Operation Payback in its Own Words (IndyMedia)
MasterCard website goes down. Payback from WikiLeaks supporters? (CSM)
Cablegate: Anonymous says the Internet will not be censored (TheTechHerald)
Operation Payback: WikiLeaks Supporters' Cyberattacks Target Online ‘Enemies' (Huffington Post)

WikiLeaks Reveals That Military Contractors Have Not Lost Their Taste For Child Prostitutes (Huffington Post)
Netcraft monitors WikiLeaks and Operation Payback targets
Actual Performance/Failure Statistics
Operation Payback cripples MasterCard site in revenge for WikiLeaks ban (Guardian UK)
Julian Assange Has Made Us All Safer — and Been a Great Gift to US National Security (Huffington Post)

MasterCard.com Hacked By WikiLeaks Supporters With DDOS Attack (Huffington Post)
Assange ‘not responsible for security breaches' says Kevin Rudd (Guardian UK)
Accuser in WikiLeaks saga has ties to Cuban dissidents [and CIA?] (Miami Herald)
WikiLeaks nearly immune to takedown, says researcher (ComputerWorld)
Wikileaks' struggle to stay online [discusses how it is persisting] (BBC)
WikiLeaks founder praised by Pentagon Papers exposer (ComputerWorld)
US to federal workers: If you read WikiLeaks, you're breaking the law (CSM)
WikiLeaks: The Three Faces of Uncle Sam (Huffington Post)
MasterCard, Visa Europe Halting Payments to WikiLeaks (Bloomberg)
WikiLeaks Is Winning the Info War So Far (CBSNews)
Wikileaks' Assange denied bail after surrendering to UK authorities (BetaNews)
Journal: Sam Adams and WikiLeaks (Institute for Public Accuracy)
Review (DVD): The Most Dangerous Man in America–Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers
WikiLeaks publishes list of worldwide infrastructure ‘critical' to security of U.S. (msnbc.com)
Analysis: WikiLeaks stirs debate on info revolution (Reuters)
WikiLeaks Exposes More Than Documents (Huffington Post)
Blocking Access to Wikileaks May Harm CRS, Analysts Say (Secrecy News)
See Also:
Reference: Has Wikileaks Killed Secrecy?
National Security Secrecy: How the Limits Change (Secrecy News)

5 December 2010
RELEASE: Anarchists Launch Wikileaks Mirror, Assistance Program (Center for a Stateless Society)
OMB: WikiLeaks off-limits to federal workers without clearance (Washington Post)
Columbia students told job prospects harmed if they access WikiLeaks cables (Guardian UK)
Don’t Look, Don’t Read: Government Warns Its Workers Away From WikiLeaks Documents (NYT)
Phi Beta Iota: We don't make this stuff up….in passing, this web site is fully complaint with OMB, DoD and State guidance–we are posting only links to secondary sources, not to any Wikileaks material itself. A blast from the past: John Perry Barlow at OSS '92: “The Internet interprets censorship as an outage, and routes around it.”
Wikileaks: Saudis ‘chief funders of al-Qaeda' (Telegraph UK)
WikiLeaks Cables Show a China Obsessed With, Afraid of the Internet (Mashable.com)
Julian Assange: Arrest Looks Imminent (PoliticsDaily)
Under pressure, WikiLeaks asks supporters for mirror sites (CNN)
WikiLeaks Attempts to Expose Palin's Thoughts, Finds Nothing (Huffington Post)
Journal: Brooks on Assange, Others on Brooks
Journal: WikiLeak’s Doomsday Files
Reference: On WikiLeaks and Government Secrecy + RECAP on Secrecy as Fraud, Waste, & Abuse
4 December 2010
To Tell the Truth (National Journal)
When did we decide that revealing the truth about the government is wrong?
Throw the WikiBook at them (Washington Post)
Julian Assange – the Scarlet Pimpernel of cyberspace (Telegraph UK)
Ron Paul Defends WikiLeaks Founder's Rights (CBSNews)
PayPal cuts WikiLeaks from money flow (AP)
PM has betrayed me: Assange (theage.com AU)
WikiLeaks turns the ‘conspiracy' against itself (Vancouver Sun CA)
Lebanese Newspaper Publishes U.S. Cables Not Found on WikiLeaks (The Atlantic)
How WikiLeaks altered the way we see the world in just a week (Guardian UK)
Could WikiLeaks survive without Julian Assange? (AP)
“Whatever happens to the domain name and the actual organization, the idea unleashed by WikLeaks is going to continue,” said Joshua Benton, director of the Nieman Journalism Lab.
Ben Laurie, a data security expert who advised WikiLeaks before it launched in 2006, agreed.
“The concept is not going to die. It's really hard to keep things shut down if they want to stay up,” he said. “Look at everything else people would like not to happen online — phishing, spam, porn. It's all still there.”
See Also:
Transparency: The Internet's Killer CSR App (Huffington Post)
3 December 2010
The War on Wikileaks (CBSNews)
“The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks,” Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow tweeted Friday.
WikiLeaks fights to stay online amid attacks (AP)
Assange said that his arrest would do nothing to halt the flow of American diplomatic cables being released by his group and newspapers in several countries. Hundreds have been published in redacted form this week and Assange said that all of the cables had already been distributed in a heavily encrypted form to tens of thousands of people.
If something happened to him, he suggested, then the password needed to unencrypt the data would be released and all the secrets would go out at once.
Transparency: The Internet's Killer CSR App (Huffington Post)
Rasmussen Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe WikiLeaks Committed Treason (TPMMuckraker)
If This Be Treason … (AlterNet)
WikiLeaks switches to Swiss domain amid cyberattack (OnDeadline)
Despite Attacks, WikiLeaks’ Swedish Host Won’t Budge (Forbes)
WikiLeaks dubs Amazon ‘The Cowardly Liar' (Register UK)
Reference: Transparency Killer App Plus “Open Everything” RECAP (Back to 01/2007)
Journal: WikiLeaks Collaboration, WikiLeaks Attacked + CYBER RECAP

2 December 2010 1500
How The Response To Wikileaks Is Exactly What Assange Wants (techdirt)
China, Russia, other regimes next…not anti-US, anti-secrecy
Amazon's Wikileaks Rejection Raises Cloud Trust Concerns (PCWorld)
WikiLeaks cables: CIA drew up UN spying wishlist for diplomats (Guardian UK)
Including biometric, communications, and computing data.
WikiLeaks Unpluggable (The Economist)
Excellent historical survey of past intentions and accomplishments
See Also:
Journal: Wikileaks vs. Empire, Karzai Catch & Release
2 December 2010 0700
Truth's Consequences: WikiLeaks' War on Secrecy (TIME)
TIME's Managing Editor on WikiLeaks (TIME)
WikiLeaks is holding US global power to account (Guardian UK)
WikiLeaks Cable: Obama Admin Worked With GOP To Kill Bush Torture Probe (Huffington Post)
Companies beware: The next big leak could be yours (AP)
Will WikiLeaks escape Justice? (Politico)
U.S. should not condemn Wikileaks (Crimson White)
“If the truth constitutes an attack, as the administration is branding it, then we occupy a very precarious and dubious position in the world. The WikiLeaks files will only undermine our work in other countries to the extent that they expose the obvious weakness that our ‘diplomacy’ is often reduced to glorified bribery.”
WikiLeaks' Amazon Servers Go Offline (LIVE UPDATES)
WikiLeaks Prompts Orgy Of Media Self-Abnegation
Bank of America rejects conjecture that it is WikiLeaks' next target (CNN)
Bank of America rumored to be in WikiLeaks' crosshairs (Kansas City Star)
WikiLeaks vs. Bank of America (TheStreet)
Sifting Through the Fallout from Wikileaks (Secrecy News)
Wikileaks and limits on the right to know (Boston.com)
Secrecy and Diplomacy in the Age of WikiLeaks (NYT)
Journal: What is the Nature of the Shia-Sunni/Persian-Arab Confrontation?
Reference: WikiLeaks–Punishment of the Innocent by the Unwitting Begins
Journal: Brooks Pontificates on Assange
NIGHTWATCH Extracts on Two WikiLeaks Items
2000 ON INTELLIGENCE: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World
Review: The Swiss, The Gold And The Dead–How Swiss Bankers Helped Finance the Nazi War Machine
Review: Gold Warriors–America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on War Complex—War as a Racket

Stewart Takes On Middle East Hypocrisies Revealed By WikiLeaks (VIDEO)
WikiLeaks: Interpol issues wanted notice for Julian Assange (Guardian UK)
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Tells TIME: Hillary Clinton ‘Should Resign' (TIME)
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange: Does Sarah Palin think CIA should ‘neutralize' him? (CSM)
WikiLeaks reveals more than just government secrets (Salon.com)
5 Reasons The CIA Should Have Already Killed Julian Assange (Townhall.com)
WikiLeaks cables: Bradley Manning faces 52 years in jail (Guardian UK)
Chavez Praises Wikileaks for `Bravery' While Calling on Clinton to Resign (Bloomberg)
As US investigates WikiLeaks, Ecuador offers asylum to Website’s founder (Examiner.com)
Wikileaks cables leave Europe angry and irritated (BBC)
See Also:
Reference: WikiLeaks Interview in Forbes–Promoting Business Ethics
Reference: WikiLeaks and Al Qaeda as Open Source Insurgencies
Journal: WikiLeaks Next Round BANKS

29 November 2010
WikiLeaks: The Empire Is Naked And Governments Are In Damage Control (News Junkie Post)
Wikileaks Spill: Catalyst for New, More Open Style of Governing? TechNewsWorld)
US slams ‘criminals' behind WikiLeaks (ABC Australia)
Cyberattack Against WikiLeaks Was Weak (WIRED)
WikiLeaks documents: five world leaders disparaged by US diplomats (CSM)
WikiLeaks reveals 5 Arab countries concerned about Iran (CSM)
A compilation of reactions to the WikiLeaks cables (AP)
Image Of The Day: Wikileaks Cablegate By the Numbers (threatpost)

Phi Beta Iota: What Wikileaks has done is reveal the depth and breadth of US Government incompetence, double-dealing, and general ignorance. The Arab “fear” of Iran is nothing more than a Sunni effort to get the naive Americans to take out the Shi'ite threat to the Sunnis–they are both vastly more afraid of each other than the unwitting Americans. To call Wikileaks a clear and present danger to the USA is to confuse multiple identities–if anything, Wikileaks is on the side of a Republic that wants peace and friendly commerce, and it is exposing the military-industrial-intelligence complex for what it is: legalized crime. The threat to America is not Wikileaks, it is the two-party tyranny that destroyed democracy in America, and the Wall Street banks that bought the right to run up national debt as a multiple of national income, essentially stealing the future while crashing the present. To understand just how foolish Presidents have been, see the following two links. They are public intelligence in the public interest. Everything else is self-serving hogwash from co-conspirators. When combined with the utter collapse of the CIA and the grid-lock within the Pentagon, this is the tri-fecta of national security collapse–it is entirely fitting that the corner office of the National Security Advisor to the President is occupied by a Goldman Sachs lobbyist who knows nothing of governance, intelligence, or national security. We don't make this stuff up–it happens. Really. Now, we again repeat our view that President Barack Obama can be freed and can be great. Electoral Reform Act when Congress returns, along with the coalition kitchen cabinet installed in February, the recall of anyone who votes against Electoral Reform, and 2012 is a clean sheet fresh start for America the Beautiful.
1. Reference: Crash Course on Reality
2. Journal: Debt, Defense, and the Diem Moment in AF
28 November 2010
1. ***POTENTIAL*** summary of Wikileaks documents —
2. There is reporting that Wikileaks' servers were under Denial of Service attack this afternoon before the designated release time for documents. Same reporting also opines that a DOS attack would be ineffective since documents to be release have been pre-po'ed with print media for some time.
1. The Obama Administration doesn’t like the Brits.
2. The Germans don’t like each other (via Der Spiegel’s Wikileaks coverage):
3. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants her diplomats to be spies:
4. Everyone is terrified of Iran (from the New York Times):
5. U.S. has doubts about Turkey. From Speigel Online International:
Never before in history has a superpower lost control of such vast amounts of such sensitive information — data that can help paint a picture of the foundation upon which US foreign policy is built. Never before has the trust America’s partners have in the country been as badly shaken. Now, their own personal views and policy recommendations have been made public — as have America’s true views of them.
The full set consists of 251,287 documents, comprising 261,276,536 words (seven times the size of “The Iraq War Logs”, the world’s previously largest classified information release).
The cables cover from 28th December 1966 to 28th February 2010 and originate from 274 embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions.
Key figures:
* 15, 652 secret
* 101,748 confidential
* 133,887 unclassified
* Iraq most discussed country – 15,365 (Cables coming from Iraq – 6,677)
* Ankara, Turkey had most cables coming from it – 7,918
* From Secretary of State office – 8,017
According to the US State Departments labeling system, the most frequent subjects discussed are:
* External political relations – 145,451
* Internal government affairs – 122,896
* Human rights – 55,211
* Economic Conditions – 49,044
* Terrorists and terrorism – 28,801
* UN security council – 6,532
Wikileaks Iraq Documents Rolling Update 101105
Other Postings About Wikileaks Impact at Phi Beta Iota (about 45)