Tom Friedman: Four Things Wanted from a Winning President

American Voters: Still Up for Grabs By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN New York Times, January 21, 2012 A Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Friday found that two-thirds of Americans would consider voting for a third-party presidential candidate, while 48 percent definitely wanted a third party in the race. Now what does that tell you? It …

Worth a Look: Independent Voter Network

Phi Beta Iota:  A most interesting melange with a strong focus and organized sections on policy reform, activism, the 2012 election, electoral reform, open primaries, the economy, energy and water, and the Independent Report.

Mini-Me: Kissinger to China on to Russia: Jeb Bush Will Be Next President, Out of Deadlocked Convention

Kissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President” Sorcha Faal, 18 January 2012 A shocking report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Prime Minister Putin on the just completed meeting between China’s Vice Premier Li Keqiang and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger states that the Chinese were told …

PROPOSAL: 21st Century Governance – Beyond Participatory Budgeting

Event: 30-31 March 2012 NYC Participatory Budgeting 21st Century Network Governance – Beyond Participatory Budgeting Participatory budgeting is a very important step in the right direction, but in the larger context of both obstacles presented by corrupt governance and what is possible enabled by the Internet, it can be taken–quickly–to a higher level. Participatory budgeting …

Tom Atlee: Occupy’s Thinking — and Michael Moore’s

Exploring OWS’s collective thinking process – and Michael Moore’s Below are four documents that provide interesting insight into the kinds of energies and proposals that get born through Occupy Wall Street’s collective thinking process of working groups and General Assembly deliberations. The first document is a “Statement of Autonomy” passed by consensus at the OWS …