Shihab Rattansi lays bare US hypocrisy on Egypt

The 7 minute video at the link below is painfully embarrassing to watch, but it is quite revealing with regard to the dysfunctionality of our foreign policy and the state of decay in the U.S. mainstream media.  Chuck Al Jazeera International is head and shoulders above all competitors in the MSM and Shihab Rattansi …

Shared Madness At the Top of the Two-Party “System”

Put another way, Simon Johnson is saying that Orientation (in the form of rigid pre-conceptions) is shaping the Observations as well as the Decisions and Actions (made in response to those observations).  Any student of nonlinear dynamics and control theory will tell you that when a positive feedback loop like, Orientation’s positive shaping effect, is …

Clear-Hold-Build–VN Deja Vu “Destroy to Save”

The Clear-Hold-Build (C-H-B) strategy was first enunciated enthusiastically during the Bush Administration as the new counterinsurgency strategy to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people.  Actually, this strategy was merely an unimaginative regurgitation of Marshall Lautey’s “tache d’huile” (oil spot) strategy used to quell native uprisings during France colonial wars at the end …