Journal: US State Department Clueless on Afghanistan

humanitarian news and analysis a project of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Analysis: Peace moves in Afghanistan as fighting goes on EXTRACT: The Taliban have rejected formal contacts with Kabul and dubbed the process “futile propaganda”. They have repeatedly vowed not to engage in any negotiations until all foreign forces leave …

Worth a Look: Hugely Inflamatory Slam on US Muslim Tax-Deductible Fund-Raising for Hamas and Hezbollah

Ladies and Gentlemen: 1.  Invite your attention the video at the YouTube link in the message below. 2.  Just to be clear: a.  I cannot tell you precisely who made the video. b.  I cannot tell definitively whether or not it is true in whole or in part.. c.  To me, it looks like it ((COULD)) be a …

Journal: US Terrorism Outside, CEO High Crimes Inside

Surprise — The Very Dark Side of U.S. History Many Americans view their country and its soldiers as the “good guys” spreading “democracy” and “liberty” around the world. It just ain’t so. October 8, 2010 Peter Dale Scott, Robert Parry / Consortium News Alter.Net Editor’s Note: Many Americans view their country and its soldiers as …

Journal: Culture of Cheating at FBI and …

If true, what an exploitable propaganda opportunity –“Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity”?) 2 dozen FBI agents cheated on counterterrorism test, Justice Dept. finds By Jeff Stein Washington Post Monday, September 27, 2010 The Justice Department said Monday that it found almost two dozen FBI agents, including supervisors, had cheated on an exam to test their knowledge of …