Experiments with Toxic Nectar Kills 90% of Mosquito Populations

 Found here, (mentions cheap boric acid solution) but the NY Times article requires login. Supported by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr. Schlein and his research partner Günter C. Müller concocted an array of nectar poisons known as Attractive Toxic Sugar Baits that are easy to make, environmentally friendly and inexpensive. …

John Steiner: Michelle Bachman Right on the Vacines – Gardasil HPV is demonstrably bad

Vaccination Safety Choice: Lives ruined, “Gardasil Girls” abandoned by CDC/ manufacturers/ media – CHECK OUT CA BILL re 12 yr olds FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, September 15, 2011 Contact: Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota / Nancy Hokkanen 952-831-3777 GOP Debate Spotlights Vaccination Safety, Choice Lives ruined, ³Gardasil Girls² abandoned by CDC, manufacturers & media ST. …

Review: Whole Earth Discipline – An Ecopragmatist Manifesto

Stewart Brand Surprising, Challenges, Perhaps Wrong on Some Points,September 13, 2011 This book is an absorbing read, and several of the top reviews are very useful to anyone considering buying the book (also available in paperback, Amazon is now NOT crossing reviews over from different forms, a mistake in my view, but perhaps motivated by …

Review: World on the Edge – How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse

Lester Brown 4.0 out of 5 stars The One Book to Buy of Brown’s–By No Means the Whole Picture, September 10, 2011 I’ve read and reviewed a number of books by Lester Brown and his advocacy agency, and have especially appreciated the State of the World series, and his Plan B Series that keeps getting …

Paul Fernhout: Open Letter to the Intelligence Advanced Programs Research Agency (IARPA)

EDIT 4 Sep 2011: Link and misc. fixed. Dear IARPA staff- The greatest threat facing the USA is the irony inherent in our current defense posture, like for example planning to use nuclear energy embodied in missiles to fight over oil fields that nuclear energy could replace. This irony arises in part because the USA’s …