Mongoose: Sugar Industry Manipulated Heart Studies US Government Let Them Get Away With It…

Sugar Industry Manipulated Heart Studies, Review Finds A sugar industry group paid for studies that underplayed the role that added sugars play in heart disease, researchers reported Monday. Studies paid for by the lobbying group helped set the U.S. on a policy course that focused almost exclusively on fat as the main cause of heart …

Mongoose: 5 Companies Own US IC

5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry This unaccountable oligarchy of spies controls the information that guides our military and civilian leaders. So here’s the bottom line: not only has intelligence been privatized to an unimaginable degree, but an unprecedented consolidation of corporate power inside US intelligence has left the country dangerously dependent on …

Mongoose: Doug Casey on Why the U.S. Global RoboCop Is Going to Self-Destruct

Doug Casey on Why the U.S. Global RoboCop Is Going to Self-Destruct What set Western Civilization—and America, in particular—apart was the elevation of persuasion over force… That’s why we became the wealthiest society in history. But our bloated military, and all of our foreign adventures, are going to bankrupt us while making millions of enemies …