Mongoose: Two False Flag Attacks — One in Iraq, One in USA

False flag: Baghdad car bomb attack faked Middle East Monitor, 3 November 2016 If true, this would represent an example of a “false flag” operation designed to demonise a segment of Iraq’s social fabric in order to continue a policy .. Donald Trump Supporters Raise $124k+ for Burned Down Black Church Regated, 2 November 2016 False …

Mongoose: US Painting Fighters with Russian Colors — False Flag Attack in Syria Possible?

We have no direct knowledge but our general knowledge includes two understandings: a) there are neoconservative traitors within the US Department of Defense that will do anything to bring on war with Russia (until he retired General Breedlove was among their leaders); and b) the FBI is worthless as a strategic counterintelligence agency — it …

Mongoose: $540M for Fake News? How Much Open Source Intelligence Could That Buy for Special Operations Forces?

Pentagon paid PR firm 540mn to make fake terrorist videos The Pentagon paid a UK PR firm half a billion dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq in a secret propaganda campaign exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.   . . .    The firm created television ads showing Al-Qaeda in a negative light …

Mongoose: Cell Phones Killing Kids?

Brain cancer replaces leukemia as deadliest cancer for kids, study shows The new numbers are a result of major advances in leukemia treatment and lack of progress when it comes to brain cancer, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, which is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Mongoose: Harvard Says Greatest Threat To USA Is Its Own Dysfunctional Political System…

Harvard study: Political ‘dysfunction’ crippling U.S. economy America’s dysfunctional political system has emerged as the biggest threat to its economic competitiveness, according to a new Harvard Business School study.   . . . The authors polled Harvard Business School alumni on the political reforms they thought were needed. “By far the most common category of suggestion …