Marcus Aurelius: CSA Interview + AWC SSI Reminder — Answers from the 1990’s Long Ignored…

PDF (1 Page): (U) CSA Interview (Defense News, 28Oct13)-1 Interview GEN. RAY ODIERNO US Army Chief of Staff Defense News 10/28/2013 At last week’s Association of the United States Army annual meeting and exposition in Washington, thousands gathered to hear senior leaders explain where the service is headed in this era of austerity. And the …

SchwartzReport: South America Rising + New World Order II Meta-RECAP

The America media, like a long chain of administrations, never really seems to understand the South American psyché, in all of its national complexity, nor what is going on there. So there is very little coverage or attention, and what there is trades in stereotypes and shallow commentary. In contrast I think the nations of …

Winslow Wheeler: Purge the Generals to Fix the Army + Flag Corruption and Ineptitude RECAP

There is a devastating review of the quality of Army leadership at the new issue of Armed Forces Journal.  At Armed Forces Journal, it is an article by Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (“Purge the Generals”), and it merits the attention of anyone following military affairs, I believe.  If you think Army leadership is an island of …

Search: environment and the 21st century naval war at sea

15 searches for this phrase today.  It’s really three completely different concepts: 01  21st Century war at sea (submarine, surface, air, and electromagnetic) 02  21st Century sea control (special focus on non-state maritime actors) 03  21st Century maritime environment (Arctic, rising sea level, pollution, fisheries, minerals, role of the ocean as source for desalinated water, …

Marcus Aurelius: Media Common Sense on Defense — Still Lacking on Substance

Following is stunning, coming as it does from the left-wing newspaper we called “Pravda on the Potomac” during the Cold War.) Two op-eds from mainstream media follow; both discuss need for Legislative and Executive Branches of the USG to get their [sierra] together and serve the national interest. Washington Post, August 4, 2013, Pg. 18 …

Marcus Aurelius: Hagel Choosing Bad Platforms Over Good People

Looks as if SECDEF has identified the alternatives — humans or hardware– and has picked hardware. Hagel: Pentagon Must Choose Between People or Platforms WASHINGTON — The Pentagon might have to cancel many modernization programs over a decade-long period should mandatory federal spending caps remain in place over the next decade, US Defense Secretary Chuck …