Robert Steele: On Petraeus, a Mossad Honey Trap, and More — This Is a Bye for Israel — Update 6

Sigh. I was not going to comment on David Patraeus gross dereliction of duty but several colleagues are totally pissed off and they are correct to be angry. Here are a mix of supposition and fact along with my conclusions on this sorry disgrace to the Republic. HOWEVER, I conclude this is not about Patraeus …

2014 Robert Steele Answers to Richard Olivier on 21st Leadership with Annotated Bibliography & Links

2014 ANSWERS Robert Steele to Richard Olivier of Findhorn on Leadership for the 21st Century • What do 21st century leaders need to know and who do they need to be? • How can we develop these capacities? • What, on a systemic level, is blocking the needed leadership evolution? • What is missing from …

Tom Engelhardt: Failure is Success – How American Intelligence Works in the Twenty-First Century PLUS Robert Steele on Steps President Obama Could Take…

Failure Is Success: How American Intelligence Works in the Twenty-First Century “While taxpayer dollars flowed into your coffers, no one considered it a problem that the country lacked 17 overlapping outfits bent on preventing approximately 400,000 deaths by firearms in the same years; nor 17 interlocked agencies dedicated to safety on our roads, where more …

Berto Jongman: Fake ISIS Beheading Videos — Blatant False Flag Fraud to Deceive the US Public — PBI Comment on War for the Soul of US Intelligence UPDATED: Bomb Syria or Control Ebola? Duh!

Both beheading videos are questionable. Both were probably made by the same people following the same script and using the same format. I find it strange that the second video was distributed to subscribers of SITE before ISIS itself had the video made public. A SITE analyst had discovered the video on a filesharing site. …

Berto Jongman: US Intelligence Veterans Slam Obama for Lies Against Russia in Relation to MH17 and the Ukraine

The MH17 Crash: US Veteran Intelligence Officers Slam the Flimsy “Intelligence” Against Russia Senior U.S. Intelligence Officers: Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence Preface: With the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine turning a local civil war into a U.S. confrontation with Russia, former high-level U.S. intelligence veterans released a statement today urging President …

Eric Zuesse: NYT Dangerous Lies About Ukraine & Russia

(PREFACE: Right before this went to press, Britain’s Guardian headlined “Moscow May Walk Out of Nuclear Treaty,” and Washingtonsblog bannered “Senior U.S. Intelligence Officers: Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence.” The latter newsflash is a memo to the President signed today by 9 senior retired U.S. intelligence professionals who gently lay out the evidence that President Obama has been lying about …