The Steele Report Today

Robert rates Campaign, Society, and Zionism as Green; Message as Yellow; and White House and Economy as Orange. He discusses the following topics: Great Awakening Tips – Harvesting My Book Reviews and Blogs as Catalysts for Thinking; Trump as a Transitional Figure – Split Cabal? Cosmic Break-Out in Two Years?; Are Local, State, and Federal …

Robert Steele: Space Warfare, Risk of Space Meltdown – Extraterrestrial Appraisal

Space warfare and the risk of space meltdown (for example, the loss of all satellites that provide communications and geospatial navigation services) is a very real concern. Separately there is the matter of stellar civilizations and the secret space force as well as off-planet trafficking in humans and especially children. Below are comments from two …

Yoda: Physicist – The Entire Universe Might Be a Neural Network

Physicist: The Entire Universe Might Be a Neural Network “The idea is definitely crazy, but if it is crazy enough to be true? That remains to be seen.” It’s not every day that we come across a paper that attempts to redefine reality. But in a provocative preprint uploaded to arXiv this summer, a physics …