Mongoose: Facebook Shuts Down Italian Populists #GoogleGestapo

A RICO action — a Presidential scorched earth response — is long overdue, along with a public class action lawsuit and a Manhattan project to create an Open Source Agency, truth channel, and four nested capabilities that bury #GoogleGestapo. Platforms are utilities. They must be regulated, universally open, and in compliance with the Constitution and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Reviews – Fake? Robert Steele: Banned, Deleted, Dishonest, & Worthless

Amazon Reviews: Factual or Fakey? Here’s a handy set of tips for the online shopper—LifeHacker tells us “How to Spot Fake Reviews on Amazon.” Writer Brendan Hesse grants there are innocent reasons for incorrect reviews at Amazon, like a user accidentally posting their review in the wrong place, or a software snafu inserting the wrong …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Defines “Relevance” as “Pay to Play” #GoogleGestapo

Google: What Does Relevance Mean? Here’s the question for you: “What’s relevance?” The answer — if I understand the allegedly true information in “Google Creates ‘Dedicated Placement’ in Search results for AMP Stories, Starting with Travel Category” — is what Google decides you may see. Phi Beta Iota: Google is  corrupt to the bone.  It …

Robert Steele: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth.

SHORT URL: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth. Ray Dalio is a Patriotic Genius – Can Lionel Inspire the President & the Public? Robert David Steele Bottom line up front: no amount of truth is going to get past the White House Deep State filters unless we can mobilize a special …

Rebecca Campbell: 5G Transmitters Have Been Turned ‘ON’ in Two US Cities – Others to Follow PBI: This Is Legalized Genocide & Ecocide — It Will Cost Trump the Election

5G Transmitters Have Been Turned ‘ON’ in Two US Cities Verizon announced that its 5G cell towers will be turned ‘on’ for the first time in the US in parts of two cities, Minneapolis and Chicago. Activist, Gary Gileno, points out that millimeter waves were used as weapons by the US in war zones in …