Reflections: Policy Makers and Social Science — Distant & Lacking Value-Added Decision-Support

Carnegie and the Stimson Center are exploring the distant and largely dysfunctional relationship between policy makers and the social sciences. This is an important topic that could usefully be expanded to explore the similar distance between government and the other information tribes.* Below are two seminal references in this area. Carnegie Stimson National Security Programs …


POLICY RESPONSE TO INTELLIGENCE REVELATIONS LAGS The end of the government’s fiscal year 2013 is just weeks away, but an intelligence authorization bill for fiscal year 2014 is nowhere in sight.  In past years, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees typically reported intelligence bills in late spring or early summer for House-Senate conference and floor …

Berto Jongman: US Jumps Off the Cliff: False Lessons from Foreign Wars Now Applied Against US Public — the Public is the Obstacle, the Enemy, and the Target

Domestic lessons learned from foreign wars A new book reveals that intelligence tactics devised for use abroad are employed against America’s own citizens Henry Porter The Observer, Saturday 6 July 2013 Out of the blue, and right from the heart of the American military establishment – the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey, California, no less …

Mini-Me: War Crimes as US Strategy, Policy, Operational Campaign, & Centerpiece for Tactics

Huh? Weekend Edition May 31-Jun 02, 2013 War Crimes as Policy The CIA: Keepers of the Hit Lists by DOUGLAS VALENTINE and NICOLAS J.S. DAVIES In February the Guardian and BBC Arabic unveiled a documentary exploring the role of retired Colonel James Steele in the recruitment, training and initial deployments of the CIA advised and …