SchwartzReport: LEAKED: US Government Spending Millions on Behalf of Monsanto, Bribing and Blocking Foreign Bio-Tech

If you had any doubts about how corrupt the government has become, and how much it is an extension of the Non-geographical Corporate States, this story should settle the matter. Leak: US Using Taxpayer Dollars To Promote Monsanto GMOs Overseas ANTHONY GUCCIARDI – Natural Society Just when you thought the latest Supreme Court ruling in …

Owl: Confirmation of John Brennan at CIA Equals Congressional Approval of Open Season on “So-Called Americans” — Without Due Process, At Home or Abroad — And Thousands More Extrajudicial Killings of Foreigners

This offers a brilliant analysis, a “connecting of the dots,” of why Petreaus was set up to leave CIA. But that’s not the main story. The general’s affair was cover used by Obama for getting rid of Petraeus to install Brennan for a special purpose: “If Brennan were to succeed Petraeus at the C.I.A., the …

Marcus Aurelius: Paul Pillar on Intelligence & Policy

Think Again: Intelligence I served in the CIA for 28 years and I can tell you: America’s screw-ups come from bad leaders, not lousy spies. Paul Pillar Foreign Policy, Jan/Feb 2012 “Presidents Make Decisions Based on Intelligence.” Not the big ones. From George W. Bush trumpeting WMD reports about Iraq to this year’s Republican presidential …

Marcus Aurelius: The Future of Afghanistan – and US Policy

The Future of Afghanistan and U.S. Foreign Policy Foreign Affairs Snapshot, December 15, 2011 Running Out of Time for Afghan Governance Reform Stephen Biddle In Afghanistan, even minimally accountable democracy may soon be beyond reach. If so, some form of constrained warlord rule will be the most that’s achievable. Snapshot, December 16, 2011 The Three …

Chuck Spinney: Joseph Stiglitz on Needed Fiscal Policy

In addition to making the United States a global laughing stock, last month’s dismaying political circus over what used to be routine legislation to increase the debt ceiling solidified the “let them eat cake” politics among the courtiers and plutocrats calling the shots from behind the curtains in the hall of mirrors that is Versailles on the …