Ron Unz: American Pravda – 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and the Zionist Control of America

American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories As President George W. Bush began inexorably moving America toward the Iraq War in 2002, I realized with a terrible sinking feeling that the notoriously pro-Israel Neocon zealots had somehow managed to seize control of the foreign policy of his administration, a situation I could never have imagined even in …

Caitlin Johnstone: Extremists from Left and Right Unite Against Populism

Extremists Unite to Diss Populism as Threat to Democracy If there’s one thing that brings a tear to my eye, it’s the inspiration I feel when watching Republican-aligned neoconservatives and Democrat-aligned neoconservatives find a way to bridge their almost nonexistent differences and come together to discuss the many, many, many, many, many, many many many …

Paul Craig Roberts: Joanathan Greenblatt, Anti-Defamation League, Earns Almost $700,000 a Year and Is Overpaid by 57%

An agent of a foreign power, very well paid. Institution Revenue: $55,295,291 Institution Total Expenses: $54,166,490 Employees: 408 Salary: $689,8309 Overpaid by: 57% The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is the Zionist secret police, an agent of a foreign power (Zionist Israel) that specializes in censoring and digitally assassinating anyone who dares to address Zionist penetration of …

Yoda: Mr. President, You Are Being Lied to About Africa… Robert Steele: After the Elections: Fire Coats, Mattis, Sessions

controlled, is your information… Open Letter to President Donald Trump Now, It Is Urgent for You to Come to South Africa That future will be a bright one, if, and only if, we can free ourselves from the death-grip of the dying British Empire’s global monetarist system that enslaves our people as well as your …

Caitlin Johnstone: John McCain, Warmonger, RIP — Robert Steele: Abandoned POWs, Undeclared Agent of Zionist Israel

Do NOT Let Them Make A Saint Of This Asshole My statements about my desire for John McCain to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner rather than later have been highly publicized, and I stand by all of them, but I don’t wish him a painful or agitated end. And, also, I am going to keep …