2006 House Appropriations Committee Public Law 109-163 6 January 2006 Section 931 Department of Defense Strategy for Open-Source Intelligence

Here is a summary of what Congress demanded from DoD that has not been provided to date: 1)  A plan for providing funds 2)  A description of management now and as it could be improved 3)  A description of tools, systems, centers, organizational entities amd procedures 4)  A description of proven tradecraft including operational security …

2005: Intelligence Reform – More Needs to Be Done

Commentary & Reply From Parameters,  Summer 2005, pp. 135-40. Intelligence Reform: More Needs to Be Done To the Editor: There are no simple answers when it comes to intelligence reform. The debate on this issue has suffered from decades of policy manipulation, congressional neglect, media ignorance, public inattention, and professional laziness. Senator Saxby Chambliss’s Parameters …