US Slow Burn in Pakistan….and DOA Elsewhere…

The Deepening Mystery of Raymond Davis and Two Slain Pakistani Motorcyclists Counterpunch establishes that he is not a diplomat–probably a contractor, or CIA standards for non-official cover officers no longer exist.  US Government party line is deceptive. See Also: CIA-ISI ties plunges to all time low hitting US drone strikes PPP to sack Wahab for …

Review (Guest): Deadly Embrace–Pakistan, America and the Future of Global Jihad

Bruce Riedel (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars The Real Story, January 24, 2011 Retired Reader (New Mexico) – See all my reviews This book is a very careful analysis of U.S.-Pakistani relations, especially over the last forty years. More importantly perhaps it provides the clearest explanation to date of why Pakistan appears to be …

US Loses Face & Standing with China & Pakistan

NIGHTWATCH Extract China-US: Special comment. International news services broadcast video and translations of Chinese Minister of Defense Liang insulting and hectoring the US, represented by the Secretary of Defense. The Chinese tasked Secretary Gates to defend and to explain to the Chinese why the US sells weapons to Taiwan and conducts naval training in the Yellow …

Secrecy News Extract: CIA Open Source on Pakistan

CIA “OPEN SOURCE WORKS” ON PAKISTANI LEADERSHIP “A review of the Pakistani media during October 2010 indicates that there is less talk of imminent political change.”  That is the rather pedestrian conclusion of a brief report (pdf) that was prepared last November by “Open Source Works,” a previously unknown initiative of the CIA Directorate of …

Journal: Will Pakistan Implode Because of US in AF?

Pakistan will implode if the US does not leave Afghanistan The continuing US presence in Afghanistan fuels extremism in neighbouring Pakistan Imran Khan The Observer, Sunday 9 January 2011 The assassination of Salmaan Taseer has shown only too clearly the growing extremism in Pakistan, the radicalisation of its society and the polarisation that is taking …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Pakistan’s Penetration by Radicals–Why Fundamentalism Defeats Security

Pakistan: Update. On 5 January, Pakistani media reported more details about the assassination of Governor Taseer. The assassin said everyone in the governor’s protective detail knew of his intentions. The weird thing is no background investigation would find adverse information about a devout Muslim, not in Pakistan. The guard who assassinated Punjab Governor Salman Taseer …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Trusted Bodyguard Executes Governor in Pakistan for Being a Blasphemer–Observations on Meaning for Church & State

Pakistan: An elite police commando from the provincial police force who was assigned as a bodyguard for the governor of Punjab Province murdered the governor today in Islamabad. The commando dropped his weapon and surrendered to the police, bragging that he was proud he killed a blasphemer. With that, Pakistan’s political crisis deepened.