Bin Laden Show 20: NIGHTWATCH on Pakistan

NIGHTWATCH: Four points are clear. Pakistan is much  more concerned about India than about internal terrorism or the Taliban  in Afghanistan. Pakistan has many alternatives to the ISI Directorate  for managing clandestine arrangements with terrorists. The Intelligence  Bureau must be investigated. The timing of all known clandestine  arrangements falls within Musharraf’s tenure. Phi Beta Iota: …

Bin Laden Show 07: Ron Paul Forum Doubts…Anti-Islamic “Burial,” Pakistani Helicopters Involved, Expect NATO False Flag Terrorist Events (Remember Italy)…

Reasons to doubt official Bin Laden death story (please contribute) Submitted by pseudonym on Tue, 05/03/2011 – 10:33 Daily Paul Liberty Forum Hello everyone, Some readers here have contended that those of us who doubt the official story of bin Laden’s death are not using our critical thinking skills. I maintain that the opposite is …

Bin Laden Show Part 04: President of Pakistan and China Against the Pakistani Military & Tribes

Pakistan did its part By Asif Ali Zardari, Monday, May 2 Although the events of Sunday were not a joint operation, a decade of cooperation and partnership between the United States and Pakistan led up to the elimination of Osama bin Laden as a continuing threat to the civilized world. And we in Pakistan take some …

Pakistan Rules in Afghanistan–Petraeus Who?

I’m told this story is in every newspaper and on television in Afghanistan.  Most Afghans believe it to be true.  Basically, in spite of the Administration’s posturing, Pakistan would become the governing power in Afghanistan…..The Administration’s statements show a clear lack of understanding about this region…. Pakistan Tells Afghanistan: Expel the Americans ByAhmad K. Majidyar …

US Intelligence & Policy on China & Pakistan Lack Consistency & Common Sense (i.e. Integrity)

Right-Sizing the US Military–Doug Macgregor sparked some discussion out this way.  Combined with New Army Chief of Staff: Out of Touch? NEW: Blistering Bullshit Flag Waved from Afghanistan and so many other related posts at Phi Beta Iota, here are some “inconsistencies” that are obvious to all of us on this side of the world. …

Pakistan Demarche to CIA, Envoy Leaves Early

From the trenches…..the gulf dividing the West (primarily the US) and AFPAK continues to expand….lack of understanding is the primary reason. Terrorism & Security Pakistan demands drawdown of US drones, CIA agents The disclosure comes after the head of Pakistani intelligence abruptly cut short a trip to Washington this week after meeting with CIA director …