DefDog: Pentagon: sabotaging U.S. computers is an act of war against U.S. – but Iran cannot hold Stuxnet against US….

Pentagon: sabotaging U.S. computers is an actor of war against U.S. Homeland Security Newswire, 1 June 2012 The Pentagon has concluded that the act of sabotaging U.S. computers by another country may constitute an act of war against the United States. This conclusion opens the door for the United States to respond to such cyber …

Mini-Me: Pentagon Plan X versus Skywiper/Flame

Huh? Pentagon Plan X The Pentagon is turning to the private sector, universities and even computer game companies as part of an ambitious effort to develop technologies to improve its cyberwarfare capabilities, launch effective attacks and withstand the likely retaliation. The previously unreported effort, which its authors have dubbed Plan X, marks a new phase …

Penguin: Pentagon Spending Taxpayer Money to Identify Insider Threats — Never Realizing that Pentagon Misbehavior Inspires Insider Patriots

After paying for the development of this bullshit we can all plan building this expense into our family budgets. The Way The Pentagon Is Predicting Your Potential To Become A National Threat Is Frightening Eloise Lee Business Insider, May 7, 2012, Tom Cruise made “pre-crime’” a futuresque and controversial method of law enforcement in the …

Marcus Aurelius: The Pentagon’s New Defense Clandestine Service

The Pentagon’s New Defense Clandestine Service American Thinker, 27 April 2012 Earlier this week, the Associated Press reported a new intelligence initiative coming out of the Pentagon. We are constantly reminded that intelligence agencies have difficulty sharing their work, yet the Pentagon has decided to create another intelligence agency — the Defense Clandestine Service. Many …

Eagle: Pentagon report says Defense Department whistleblowers have been left vulnerable to reprisals

Pentagon report says Defense Department whistleblowers have been left vulnerable to reprisals By R. Jeffrey Smith and Aaron Mehta | Center for Public Integrity, 5 May 2012 The Defense Department has inadequately protected from reprisals whistleblowers who have reported wrongdoing, according to an internal Pentagon report, and critics are calling for action to be taken …

Winslow Wheeler: Pentagon Aviation Plan Over-Budget Lacking Both Intelligence and Integrity

My analysis of DOD’s latest “30 year” (not really) Aviation Plan is running at Time’s Battleland Blog at, and below.  In my judgment, the overriding revelation in this document is of the incompetence and disingenuousness of the bureaucracy in DOD that wrote it.  If you think documents like this, costing over $1 million to produce, add …