DefDog: Senate Benghazi Report Slams State, White House & Pentagon But Still Covering Up…Seven Missing Charges Itemized by Phi Beta Iota

CIA gets a free pass for dereliction on multiple fronts.  Noteworthy: Neither State nor Africa Command had any idea of the size and scope of the CIA arms smuggling operation based in Benghazi.  Also noteworthy that NSA has nothing at all on the attack in the days leading up to it or during the attack.  …

Chuck Spinney: Pentagon Escaping Fiscal Cuts — To No Good End

TIME BATTLE BLOG: MILITARY SPENDING Business As Usual Inside Obama’s Pentagon By Chuck Spinney,, Dec. 06, 2012 Winslow Wheeler’s three-part series on the Navy that wrapped up on Battleland Wednesday shows that the sea service is up to its old tricks. To wit, it is impregnating President Obama’s five-year defense program by front-loading today’s …

Dolphin: 30 Days Warning No Protest CIA Acts Pentagon Freezes

A few days old, but a good effort by a citizen. Benghazi: A Reader Assesses the Evidence [Updated] John Hinderaker in Benghazigate PowerLine, Posted on October 27, 2012 A reader, relying on publicly available information, has reconstructed what we know and can infer about what happened in Benghazi. I haven’t tried to verify all of …

Worth a Look: Free Software at Pentagon, and on One Desktop

Free Software in Use at Pentagon Apache Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Thunderbird, Evolution OpenSSH OpenSSL bind Postfix gcc – GNAT perl, Python, PHP Samba Mailman MySQL and PostgreSQL GIMP MediaWiki More specifically, they use the following open source software for specific military purposes: FalconView – PC-based mapping application Open Source Software for Imagery & Mapping …