Jon Rappoport: Hillary Clinton Gravely Ill — Major Blood Clots, Rolling Dice with Coumadin

Media lie about Hillary’s severe health condition Major media are rushing to do damage control on Hillary’s health. They’re trying to lay down the concrete of a fake consensus that she’s fine, because her doctor issued a positive report in 2015. But one of the bottom lines is: she’s suffered from dangerous blood clots. And the …

Jon Rappoport: Electoral Fraud USA – Advantage Clinton – Fractional Vote Manipulation

US election shocker: is this how the vote will be rigged? Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers As we know, there are a number of ways to rig an election. Bev Harris, at, is exploring a specific “cheat sheet” that has vast implications for the Trump vs. Hillary contest. …

Jon Rappoport: Obama Encourages Protests (and Cop Shootings)

Obama encourages more protests as he militarizes police—what??  Obama’s agenda in all this isn’t difficult to spot. During his term in office, he’s continued to permit the federal government to militarize police forces all over the country. Heavier weapons and equipment, fit for a full-bore Army. Why would he allow this, unless he were aiming …

Jon Rappoport: FBI Whistleblowers Soon? The Anger Inside the FBI Over Comey’s Betrayal of His Oath is Palpable….

Inside the FBI: agents’ outrage at Hillary email decision How much blood is boiling among FBI agents? Sharyl Attkisson, former CBS News investigative reporter, has the story ( “Many people at the FBI are outraged, but cannot speak out,” one insider told me,” Attkisson writes. We’re talking about FBI Director James Comey’s recommendation that Hillary Clinton …

Jon Rappoport: Cartels of the Mind – the Official Narratives Unravel…

Cartels of the Mind: a movie that never was “Dominoes of the collective begin to fall. The whole rotting structure begins to collapse, a wing here and a wing there, and the robots open their eyes and turn off their cameras.” If you can’t see the background of a crime, you aren’t seeing the crime, you’re …

Jon Rappoport: GMO Big Lie Outed by National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Censored by Mainstream Media (MSM)

The GMO Big Lie dies on the vine In May, the NAS issued a comprehensive report: “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects.” The report’s key finding takes in the entire period of US cultivation of GMO crops: “The nation-wide data on maize, cotton, or soybean in the United States do not show a significant signature …

Jon Rappoport: TV Mind-Control — the Flicker Effect from Sandy Hook to Orland, How False Flags Are “Sold”

Mind control achieved through the “information flicker effect” I wrote this piece in 2012, in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting. I re-post it now, because it equally applies to the Orlando shooting. No, I’m not talking about the flicker of the television picture. I’m talking about an on-off switch that controls information conveyed …