Jon Rappoport: Since 2005 Technology Has Existed to Insert Micro-Particles into Food to Drug Population

Invisible microparticles in food can deliver vaccines, drugs I compare a patent application with what at least one company can deliver to the unknowing public now US Patent application ‘US20080044481 A1’. “Microparticles for oral delivery.” “The particles described herein can be used to deliver bioactive agents (e.g., nutrients, drugs, vaccines, antibodies, and the like), bacteria …

Jon Rappoport: Huffington Post Censors Post on Connection between Merck, Vaccinations, and Autism

Merck, Huff Po, Vaxxed: the censorship connection Six steps to Huff Po blackout heaven Recently, long-time blogger/columnist for the Huffington Post, Lance Simmens, wrote an article in which he made positive comments about the film, Vaxxed (trailer). Huffington Post censored Simmens’ article. His account with Huff Po was blocked without explanation. Read full post for …

Jon Rappoport: Medical Errors #3 Cause of Death

New holocaust study: medical errors 3rd leading cause of death in US The Washington Post (“Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States,” May 3) reports on a new Johns Hopkins study. I’ll give you the Post’s explosive quotes and then analyze them. Read full post.

Jon Rappoport: Manufacturing consent in science: the diabolical twist

Manufacturing consent in science: the diabolical twist Predatory corporations who spray poisonous pesticides all over the world and cause birth defects need special protection and cover? Invent, overnight, and broadcast, a consensus that a basically harmless virus is the cause of those tragic defects. I can assure you there are many scientists who don’t, for a …