DefDog: Senators from Both Parties Lie to America About Russian Hacking and Role of Cyber Command (Also Known as Clown Command) in “Preventing” What Did Not Happen…

Senators from both political parties on Thursday praised the military’s cyber force for helping secure last year’s midterm elections, with one suggesting it was largely due to U.S. Cyber Command that the Russians failed to affect the 2018 vote. From experience, Cyber Command does not know the difference between TCP/IP and UDP….they are not capable …

ZeroHedge: Russia Readies Own Web To Survive Global Internet Shutdown

Russia Readies Own Web To Survive Global Internet Shutdown Russian authorities and major telecom operators are preparing to disconnect the country from the world wide web as part of an exercise to prepare for future cyber attacks, Russian news agency RosBiznesKonsalting (RBK) reported last week. The purpose of the exercise is to develop a threat analysis and provide feedback to a proposed law …

BREAKING: China, Iran, Russia, Turkey Recognize Nancy Pelosi as the Legitimate President of the United States of America … Cite Trump’s Precedent with Venezuela!

We do not make this shit up (most of the time). Citing Trump’s precedent with Venezuela, in which the Speaker of the House in Venezuela has been recognized by the USA as the legitimate President (never mind that the Speaker did not participate in the most recent election which was clearly won by President Maduro, …