Ed Jewett: #GoogleGestapo Twitter Bans Dissent — Deep State Marches On, Zionist Foreign Agent Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as Shock Troops for Digital Assassination — Drone “By Name” Assassination Next?

Social Media Censorship Reaches New Heights as Twitter Permanently Bans Dissent “… The deep state is working hand in hand with Silicon Valley social media giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google to control the flow of information. That includes suppressing, censoring and sometimes outright purging dissenting voices…. that one of the world’s most influential social …

ZeroHedge: WSJ Outs #GoogleGestapo for Censorship & Manipulation of Search Results

How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms And Changes Your Results, Bombshell WSJ Report Authored by Jerri-Lynn Scofield via NakedCapitalism.com, The WSJ published a comprehensive investigation Friday, How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results, that provides fodder for ongoing or new antitrust investigations of the company,  both in the US, and worldwide:

Mongoose: Google Evil Exposed — Censorship, Deplatforming, Mind Control …

Don’t be evil: whistleblower Zach Vorhies breaks down how Google set out to literally program our minds Google is now a weaponized mind control tool that spreads disinformation while censoring the truth. “Google is undertaking to re-program the world according to their disingenuous application of ‘Social Justice,’”writes Alexandra Bruce, Publisher of ForbiddenKnowledge in a recent …

Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Investigation of FANG / #GoogleGestapo / BigTech Begins to Ramp Up….

Certain Tech Giants Under Scrutiny for Potential Anti-Competitive Practices Apparently, the feds have been asking Oracle for dirt on their rival. The Register reports, “Oracle: Yeah, We’ve Had a Bunch of G-Men Come Sniffing Around Asking Questions About Google.” Writer John Oates reveals: . . . This news comes amid a push by the DOJ, …

Review (Guest): Google Archipelago – The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom

5 Star – Deep Look at New Form of Tyranny Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom begins with familiar cultural politics as points of entry to the book’s theme regarding the reach, penetration, and soon the ubiquity of the digital world. In a book about enormous sea changes brought about by …