Robert Steele: A Megadraught is Forming — Weather War is a Factor

I accuse NASA, NOAA, and elements of the US Air Force of being in the employ of the Deep State and working to harm the economy of the USA and thus the re-election of President Donald Trump, while they are also harming China’s economy and others. An alternative possibility that I  discount is that Russia …

Robert Steele: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Just Signed His Political Death Warrant — Rejects QAnon . . .

GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: ‘There Is No Place For Q-Anon In The Republican Party’ Representative McCarthy’s idiocy adds to my view that President Donald Trump intends to take down BOTH the DNC and the GOP. Q Anon is a spectacularly successful asymmetric information operations endeavor.  Anyone that does not get that is seriously …

Gareth Porter: With apparently fabricated nuclear documents, Netanyahu pushed the US towards war with Iran

With apparently fabricated nuclear documents, Netanyahu pushed the US towards war with Iran . . . an investigation of the supposed Iranian nuclear documents by The Grayzone reveals them to be the product of an Israeli disinformation operation that helped trigger the most serious threat of war since the conflict with Iran began nearly four …