Reference: Gangs in the US Military

Phi Beta Iota: We have been highlighting our couinterintelligence deficiencies since the 1990’s, primarily focused on the need for religious counterintelligence, but also on the need to recognize that sub-state and non-state groups are legitimate threats in and of themselves.  Today the US military it thoroughly penetrated by multiple networks from Opus Dei and the …

2006 Yekelo (ZA) Continental Early Warning & Information Sharing: A Military Perspective on Deterring & Resolving Complex Emergencies

South Africa, Military and Civilian Intelligence Community IOP ’06  Under the general leadership of Minister of Intelligence Services Ronnie Kasrils, in partnership with an extraordinary collection of individuals across all elements of the South African intelligence community, and across all countries in the continent of Africa, successfully implemented both an open source software strategy, and an …

Graphic: OSINT Marketplace

The OSINT Marketplace will not fully develop until we constrain the corruption within the military-intelligence-industrial complex that substitutes “butts in seats” with clearances and precioius little else to offer, for tangible substance that can be easily shared across all boundaries.  Butts in seats are a waste of time-energy.  We must also stop paying more than …