Review: Global Public Policy – Governing Without Government?

Wolfgang Reinicke Pioneering Work, Missing Some Pieces,July 7, 2011 This is a pioneering work, easily a decade ahead of other world-class efforts, my favorite being that of (then) World Bank Vice President for Europe, J. F. Rischard, High Noon 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them. It has been largely over-looked, but should gain …

Event: 3 Aug DC DNI IARPA The OSINT Frontier…

Proposers’ Day Notice for the IARPA Open Source Indicators (OSI) Program Solicitation Number: IARPA-BAA-11-11(pd) Agency: Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office: Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity Location: IARPA1 Solicitation Number: IARPA-BAA-11-11(pd) Notice Type: Presolicitation Synopsis: Added: Jul 01, 2011 2:52 pm Complete information below the line.

Post-Fukushima Infant Deaths in the Pacific Northwest

Each week, on a Friday, Alexander Cockburn publishes a weekly diary in the weekend edition of Counterpunch, which he co-edits with Jeffrey St. Claire.  Last week’s diary included a particularly important entry that expands on earlier CP essay analyzing the possibility of increased infant deaths in the western US resulting from the poisons spewed out …

Bio-War via Food: US Attacking Germany/Europe?

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities Monday, June 06, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of EXTRACT: Although the actual process is more complicated than this, the upshot is that creating a strain of e.coli that’s resistant to eight classes of antibiotics requires repeated, sustained …