Robert Steele: Reflections on Cyber-Integrity & Why We Suck At It . . .

Cyber-Integrity – Is Bad Code the Horseshoe Nail that Costs Us Everything? CIA created the Artificial Intelligence Staff (OIT/AIS) around me in 1986. I quickly learned that all code lacked documentation and was full of holes. By 1994 I was the invited opening speaker for Hackers on Planet Earth, invited to join the Silicon Valley …

Robert Steele: Media Disinformation, Active Lies, Criminal Legal Liability Soon?

I have  been ignoring the media disinformation related to Election 2020. Not only is it quite certain that President Donald Trump won in a landslide, it is equally certain that hundreds of state officials will soon be facing jail time for felonies that can be proven. I thought today to simply throw up several headlines …