Structuring Strategic Decision Support Intelligence

According to a 16 February piece in the New York Times by Mark Lander, “President Obama ordered his advisers last August to produce a secret report on unrest in the Arab world, which concluded that without sweeping political changes, countries from Bahrain to Yemen were ripe for popular revolt, administration officials said Wednesday.”  Participants included …

US Intelligence Unwitting of Most Open Sources

From my friends at Intelligence Online…. Used extensively by protesters in Egypt and Tunisia, Facebook and other social networking websites contain a wealth of useful intelligence.  However, knowing how to exploit that information is another matter. During a hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on February 4, Senator Dianne Feinstein complained to Stephanie …

Obama to Clapper: “Disappointed.” Duh.

UPDATED to ADD USMC NIT 1991 & 3 articles. In 1991 the Marine Corps proposed a redirection of National Intelligence Topics (NIT) toward the Third World and Global Coverage.  Here is what was proposed and refused, following upon General Al Gray’s article, “Global Intelligence Challenges in the 1990’s“: Reference: USMC Proposed Alternative National Intelligence Topics …