INTERVIEW: Open Everything – with Robert David STEELE Vivas UPDATED to Add Parts V and VI

Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas David Balaban Privacy PC, April 2-8, 2013 PART I  Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas This section open with Mr. Steele’s thoughts on CIA and CIA IT. PART II:  Open Everything – Interview with Robert David STEELE Vivas. Part 2 This section of …

Michel Bauwens: Applying Sharing Economy to Education — Comment from Robert Steele and 21st Century Education RECAP

How We’re Applying the Sharing Economy to Education By Andrew Grauer A sustainable economy requires that both the supply and demand sides benefit from a transaction. In education, we see so many inefficiencies between those supplying the knowledge and those consuming it. Teachers feel like they’re being underpaid and students feel like they are overpaying …

INTELLIGENCE with INTEGRITY Chapter 3: The Human Factor

Utilizar el Traductor de Google en la parte superior de la columna central Utilisez Google Translate au haut de la colonne du milieu Google’ın Orta Sütun Top of Çevir kullanın Используйте Google Translate в верхней части среднего столбца Sử dụng Google Translate Đầu Cột Trung उपयोग Google मध्य स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद 在中间一列的顶部,使用谷歌翻译 05 …

Review: Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources

Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill 5.0 out of 5 stars Important Milestone, Two Gaps, February 4, 2013 I was educated in the Limits to Growth period–back in the day of telephone couplers–and have also been an ardent follower of Herman Daly’s pioneering work in ecological economics as well as complementary work spanning the last several …

Review: The Code for Global Ethics: Ten Humanist Principles

Rodrique Tremblay 5.0 out of 5 stars Humanist Manifesto Slams Religions, Foundation for Reflection, December 22, 2012 I bought this book on the recommendation of Pierre Cloutier in Quebec, and very deliberately as the first book to read on 22 December 2012 as Epoch B begins (see graphic above with book cover). Across the entire …