Mongoose: USS Liberty @ Arlington Cemetery Trip Report — US Government Continues to Lie About Zionist Atrocity Attack Possibly Ordered by LBJ

There were roughly 30 patriots at the USS Liberty memorial ceremony 8 June 2016. The US Government continues to lie about the raw fact that the Zionists committed an international war crime in attacking a clearly marked non-combatant reconnaissance vessel. We in counterintelligence consider this a crime for which atonement has not been made. We …

Robert Parry: Hillary’s Libya Chaos Continues

Libya’s ‘Chaos Theory’ Undercuts Hillary Hillary Clinton’s Libyan “regime change” project remains in chaos with one U.S. official likening rival factions to rogue water “droplets” resisting a U.S.-carved rewards-and-punishment “channel” to reconciliation, reports Robert Parry.

Robert Steele: Open Source Governance – Creating a Prosperous World at Peace

Open Source Governance: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace Robert Steele, Open Source Observatory (European Union), 23 May 2016 Open source solutions – primarily in software but increasingly also in hardware – cost roughly one tenth of proprietary offerings. The switch to open source software enables financial and public service scalability as well as quality …

Robert Steele: Proposal for a Nordic Interagency Intelligence Conference and Centre (Peace Intelligence Initiative)

Proposal for a Nordic Interagency Intelligence Conference and Centre A Peace Intelligence Initiative Introduction At the conclusion of the recent one-day conference on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) hosted by the Royal Danish Defence College, a Danish military officer stood up and suggested that the time had come for a Nordic interagency working group on OSINT. …