Richard Wright: DoD Drowning, Leaders Can’t Swim

The Perils of Cutting Defense Spending The Public Intelligence Blog has speculated that the financial elites who indirectly are the principal influencers the U.S. Congress and the Presidency have decided that their best interests will be served if U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) spending is substantially reduced. It has long been obvious that DOD budgets …

Marcus Aurelius: 22 SEAL Team Six & Others Die in Old Slow Chopper, Because US DoD Never Cared About Training, Equipping, & Organizing for High-Altitude Mountain Warfare

British press report, unusually thorough, but miss the core point: why so many sent into combat in a single very old, very slow transport helicopter. Special forces helicopter shot down in Afghanistan was on a mission to rescue U.S. Army Rangers Daily Mail, 7 August 2011 Chopper brought down in rocket attack was on its …

DefDog: Inexpensive Drone Do It Yourself Cyber-War

Wardriving Evolves Into Warflying Researchers release specs for a DIY radio-controlled plane that hacks systems by air By Ericka Chickowski, Contributing Editor Dark Reading, 4 August 2011 BLACK HAT USA 2011 — Las Vegas — Yesterday at Black Hat, two security researchers demonstrated how a radio-controlled model airplane outfitted with a computer and 4G connectivity …