Journal: Simpson-Bowles Deficit Reduction All Lies?

Casting Light on “The Moment of Truth” Where’s the evidence to back up the fear mongering? A challenge to the Fiscal Commission’s report. James K. Galbraith James K. Galbraith is General Editor of “Galbraith: The Affluent Society and Other Writings, 1952-1967,” just published by Library of America. He teaches at The University of Texas at …

Journal: Smoke, Mirrors, and Hades Burning on the Hill

This is a great example of the kind of gaming that keeps defense budgets high.  Kudos to Winslow Wheeler for smoking it out. On Dec 3, 2010, at 7:56 AM, Winslow Wheeler wrote: In a midnight switch, the Deficit Commission changed the dividing line between discretionary spending elements.  Was 050 (DOD,DOE, Misc.) versus the rest; …