Journal: December Theater of the Absurd

Note:  This Reuters report provides additional relevant information.  A pdf copy of the referenced ICG report can be downloaded from this link: Afghanistan: Exit vs. Engagement Chuck Spinney December 2, 2010 The Unmentioned Question Staying the Course in Afghanistan By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Counterpunch A report, “Afghanistan: Exit vs. Engagement” released on 28 November 2010 by …

Journal: Wikileaks Exposes How NYT and Washington Post Shill for US Government on Iran Missile “Threat”

Iranians (Persians) have viewed Russia (Soviet Union) with distrust and as a menace or outright threat for hundreds of years, at least since the Russian Tsars cemented their expansion into Turkestan (or the Turkic countries in what is now called Central Asia).  The fact that Iran sits on top of one of the world’s largest …

Reference: No Labels “Non-Party” = “Four More Years” for Wall Street

Wikipedia Overview No Labels Home Page See Also: The founding fathers had no labels (San Diego Examiner) WARNING NOTICE: has a major virus.  Do NOT go to their story on the Houston meeting (apart from its being hype, now it’s just plain dangerous). Phi Beta Iota: We believe the following: 1.  Michael Bloomberg wants …

Journal: What is the Nature of the Shia-Sunni/Persian-Arab Confrontation?

Much ado is being made of the “revelation” in the Wikileaks data dump that some Sunni Arab leaders were quietly in favor of an American and/or Israeli strike on Iran to terminate Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program with extreme prejudice.  Implicit in this war-mongering hysteria is an acceptance of an implacable Shia-Sunni conflict threatening the …