Mini-Me: Don’t Reform the CIA. Abolish It

Don’t Reform the CIA. Abolish It. by Jacob G. Hornberger March 12, 2014 Anyone who reads the works of the late Chalmers Johnson will have an excellent understanding of the role that the U.S. national-security state, especially the vast military empire and military-industrial complex, plays in America’s foreign-policy woes. I particularly recommend his four books: …

Owl: Malaysian Airlines Flight Hijacked via AWACS? Chinese Engineers Renditioned? Update 4 Diego Garcia Redux, Boeing Cyber Hijack

UPDATE 16 Mar 14: Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Redirected to Diego Garcia? and also Is missing Malaysian jet the world’s first CYBER HIJACK? Chilling new theory claims hackers could use a mobile phone to take over the controls UPDATE 15 Mar 14: Malaysia Airline MH370: 9/11-style terror allegations resurface in case of lost plane …

Wayne Madsen: Snowden Had Help — CIA vs NSA Story Gains Traction

Snowden was not alone: CIA faction behind leak of NSA document trove February 15-17, 2014 Sources within the U.S. intelligence community have told WMR, on the condition of anonymity, that National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden gained access to and released tens of thousands of classified NSA documents because a faction within the Central Intelligence …

Jean Lievens: Interview with Rene Ramirez on Bio-Socialism (Buen Vivir) versus Marxist Socialism

Interview with Rene Ramirez on the Socialism of Buen Vivir – P2P Foundation * “Why should the socialism of buen vivir be considered a bio-socialism? What characterizes it identifies it and makes it unique from the socialism conceived of by the classics—Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and Lenin? The socialism of buen vivir is a pact …

Patrick Meier: Using Social Media to Monitor Local Impacts Invisible to Conventional Intelligence Sources and Methods

Using Social Media to Predict Economic Activity in Cities   Economic indicators in most developing countries are often outdated. A new study suggests that social media may provide useful economic signals when traditional economic data is unavailable. In “Taking Brazil’s Pulse: Tracking Growing Urban Economies from Online Attention” (PDF), the authors accurately predict the GDPs of 45 …

SchwartzReport: Drone Assassination Threat Against US Officials

It is the nature of implemented war technologies that they create arms races that always have unintended consequences. The use of drones is the latest example. It is just a matter of time until American officials start being killed by drones, probably beginning when they are out of the country. Technologies of violence feed on …

Berto Jongman: Ex-CIA Pilot, Son of Bill Lear(jet), Gives Sworn Testimony No Aircraft Hit Either Twin Tower — Will 9/11 Unraveling PLUS Pedophilia Catalyze Revolution USA?

Ex-CIA Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers US Will Have To Rebut Or Accept Statement As Truth A former CIA and civilian pilot has sworn an affidavit, stating that no planes flew into the Twin Towers as it would have been physically impossible. John Lear, the son of Learjet inventor, …